<p>Could anyone please rank these schools from most liberal to least liberal. Preferably someone that knows people at these schools or went there themselves.
<p>Abilene Christian University
Pepperdine University
Oklahoma Christian University</p>
<p>Also, if anyone knows of any other schools I would be interested in based on this list, please post that as well.</p>
I wouldnt call any of thoes three liberal.
If I had to, I would say Pepperdine would be the most liberal of these three conservative Universities - but only because of its location…
I have first hand knowledge of ACU & OCU… Pepperdine I have only dreamed of…</p>
<p>Abilene Christian…
…is definitely in the middle of nowhere, but if that doesn’t bother you, I don’t’ have much else to say about it. I’ve worked in higher education long enough to know not to look at rankings to judge a school. I understand they’re giving all of their students iPhones; so that’s attracting some students. (And when I say give, I’m sure the cost is hidden in the tuition.)</p>
…is not a school I would call a “Christian College” despite their new marketing campaign, rebranded website, and the hopes of their Board that they can somehow revert to their heritage. Unfortunately, the culture of the campus… if once Christian… is no longer. They’re not members of the CCCU. They recently renamed “convocation” to “chapel” but it’s still a glorified, unfocused lecture series. Their faculty are not (or were not) required to be Christian. But above all, when I took my daughter for a tour of the campus, she asked our student tour guide “What opportunities are there for students to engage with their faith on campus?” The tour guide had no response and looked like a deer in headlights. Yeah, I guess you could say I was proud that my daughter took this school off her list.</p>
<p>OK Christian U…
…is a school I’ve never heard of, and again, I’ve been in higher education for a long time. I went to their website and they look like they’re well established (not a new school that just popped up yesterday). Is OK Christian perhaps a new name for another school? I’ll have to do more research on this one…</p>
<p>My sister graduated from Ok Christian “College” in the mid60’s, now Oklahoma Christian University. They are a very well established and a Church of Christ colleges like Abliene Christian. I know several students there now and they are very happy there.</p>
<p>You guys are being a bit unfair in saying that Pepperdine is liberal. I don’t know the other 2 schools at all but Pepperdine is one of the most conservative campuses in the U.S.</p>
<p>The chair of my department used to work at OK Christian U. It’s not uber conservative, but a lot of the kids are married before they graduate (which isn’t a big deal, but a good indicator of what the culture is like). He says a few that were engaged and planned on marrying after college, got tired of living on campus and would move their wedding dates up.</p>
<p>Pepperdine is conservative but not explicitly Christian; some of their most prominent professors that consider the faith aspect very important have moved to my school for better offers and a more christian friendly campus. Just an FYI: most “chapel” services at all the Christian colleges I know are more like convocations, some days you have a speaker such as Naomi Tutu and some days you have a straight up preacher. Also a note: We have many incoming sophomore Pepperdine transfers.</p>
<p>Give Lipscomb University consideration–it’s an amazing place.</p>
<p>RE: Pepperdine: When I asked our tour guide how “Christian” the school was, he tried to downplay it by saying that students who wanted to find opportunities could, and those who didn’t could avoid the Bible studies, etc. They just needed to take some religion classes. I wonder who teaches those classes. At my secular university, most of the religion profs are quite hostile to faith, esp. Christianity, and those classes are the ones which affect students most powerfully.
The image of a millstone comes to mind…</p>
<p>Anyway, I look at Pepperdine as a school where kids can explore faith. To me it’s a relief to think that my D could write from a Christian perspective and not get castigated for it. I hope.</p>
<p>We have one more week and three more big decisions to make!</p>
<p>So sadly true. I’ve observed TOO MANY ANGRY PROFS @ TOO MANY times in TOO MANY secular institutions, even many, like Pepperdine, allegedly of Christian heritage, foundation and promotion. As one student noted following completion of such a course, upon receiving a note from the prof suggesting the student might partake in others of her future course offerings …</p>
<p>“In her dreams! Why would I ever take another course from an angry, bitter, divorced woman who used to be Jewish until she discovered yoga and crystals.”</p>
<p>And this was at a very prestigious university. I’m guessing not so much tho, in the view of the All-Knowing Dean.</p>
<p>I took some of those… and I wholeheartedly agree. It made me investigate the “whys” of my faith so much deeper, but it made many others skip the self imposed investigation and just give up based on the “knowledge” of those in a “higher” position than themselves. It was rather sad. Both sides aren’t given, just one, the hostile one - and it’s given as fact.</p>
<p>I accept that this will be the case in secular schools. I warn future students about it. I would REALLY dislike it in any school calling themselves Christian. Different opinions based on reasoned thought, yes, pure hostility and one way presented as fact, no. I don’t believe that God is all that pleased either.</p>