<p>Ok wow I just got the 2002 test but no answers. I am desperately looking for an answer key. Does anyone have one? I am going to die if I dont get one for the 2002 test >.<. Please help me someone.</p>
<p>Anyone know?</p>
<p>Yeah I have the answer sheet. I don't have a scanner though, and I don't feel like typing them :</p>
<p>yeah i have them. give me an IM at bballa378</p>
<p>ok i will!</p>
<p>collegeboard.com has the answers for the last 3 years or so... you could check if the 2002 answers are there =) (just the FR though i believe)</p>
<p>I have that... but now bballa (randomjunk) is afk and i cant reach him on AIM....</p>
<p>afk? this is not CS lol</p>
<p>I have them...IM me if you want them.</p>
<p>It's ok I got it now</p>