pls chance me at princeton u

<p>1MX believe it or not, a lot of asians with amazing scores and a lot of math and science awards actually do get into top schools.</p>

NJ only has a 2% acceptance rate since so many people apply there


<p>it's that low?? wow that sucks</p>

<p>Yes they do; mainly because they are able to distinguish themselves and win some really amazing awards or add another dimension to themselves.
A perfect example of this. I am friends with an asian kid with a 3.1 GPA, 27 ACT, but since he was an awesome sprinter (recruited), he got into cornell.</p>

<p>thx to all the replies. I appreciate your kind comments. 1mx, i just don't know what to do about your hardcore blind prejudice. and first of all i never asked to hear your comments about the asian stereotypes, nor did I ever mention that I am one of those sick people you pointed out. It is a good point, actually- it's not a fiction, we all know there are some crazy sick animals doing this but I'm sure we asians aren't the only ones, if you understand what I mean. I'm not going to quarrel over this any longer because this subject is very pointless. Your patriotism is something that I respect. now I'm not sure as to how many conservationists like you are out there, but I don't exactly see how you are concerned with the future of US with such a close-minded perspective. I am positive that people like you are actually going to hurt this nation. You should seriously drop that nonsense. for instance, like you said, yeah China is growing bigger everyday, and it is no doubt that someday soon it will be where US stands presently, thanks to the internationals that 'exploit' the advantage of the education system here and grab it back to Asia. But without these internationals you are basically going to sink down when it comes to global relations, always being trapped in where you are when everyone else is moving fast to reach the acme of global economy. I think you should actually be thankful that such a system exists in many colleges throughout the US; think about it logically, if your little 'American industrialist theory' is right, then why would the colleges be eager to accept internationals? why would they even bother knowing that it will only cause problems for the future of this nation? it's because they know that the global competition is becoming harsher everyday and that it's imperative that they prepare for this competition using the advantage of having a global atmosphere at the campus. correct me if I'm wrong. lol.</p>

<p>I am appalled by how you can readily judge I'm a chinese without even looking at who I am. what if I'm from some country other than China? what if I am not exactly the kind of person you are upset about? your psychology is totally perturbing, 1mx. lol...and next time u read someone's chance thread...make sure you read THOROUGHLY so as not to mistake something miniscule as his/her gender. that was basically hilarious haha. your ignorance really impresses me, it totally brings a tear to my eye lol</p>

<p>.......nice :)</p>

<p>wow, what a thunderbolt!</p>