Political Science Chance - 2018

<p>ACT - 32M & 31V — SAT = to 720M & 700CR (Called SAT to confirm)
Current Sr. year GPA 4.26… (Honors & AP’s)…
GPA 3.86 unweighted…(current GPA not avg in)…
Doubled up on science classes for the last 3 years (crazy kid)…
All honors and AP classes in 1st, 2nd. and 3rd yr…
Top 15% of the class (very smart class) (just edged into the top 15%, expecting to jump into the top 10% with current grades. He is bumping 5 kids that were seated before him, guidance confirmed.)
Varsity Club…
Captain of one team…
Co-Captain of another team…
8 Varsity letters by the time Sr. is over…
+200 hours of school and community service…
Same summer job last two years…
Attended the Naval Academy Summer Seminar…
Loves lemon pie… Had to put that in there :-)</p>

<p>I know nothing about Alabama. Does my DS even have half a chance on getting in or is this a pipe dream?</p>

<p>They’re a lock with a full tuition scholarship. Apply soon to be eligible for schollies, though!</p>

<p>Wait… if his weighted GPA from freshman to junior year is a 3.5 or above, then he qualifies for the presidential. So double check on that.</p>

<p>He actually applied a couple of weeks ago and last night he was filling out a few hopful offered scholarships. He did not have anything in regard to a full or presidential offer. Is that something that comes later. That kind of offer would be outstanding, I was just hoping he would get in.</p>

<p>In regard to the overall GPA of 3.86(9), yes this is unweighted for his freshman to junior year. I am not sure home much it will go up with his current 4.26(7) but guidance said it will go up which is good. </p>

<p>He flaked out a little with being a Sr. he had a 5.0 but did not put a lot of effort into a couple of test which dropped him the the 4.267. He is now very peeved at himself. He said that there will not be another test that he does not ace, he wants the 5.0 for the remainder of the year. We shall see but becaues he is a type A person and his drive I’m confident he will get his 5.0. I don’t think any of that will matter at all with Alabama but it drives him then so be it.</p>

<p>Thank you for the feed, I really did not expect the scholarship reply. I was just hoping he would get in.</p>


<p>3units, have you checked your mailbox the last few days? :)</p>

<p>Log back into mybama and look across the tabs for a Student Tab. tell us if you see one.</p>

<p>Yes, with a 1400 SAT and 3.5+ GPA he will receive the Presidential Scholarship. Congratulations! Now schedule your visit with the Honors College and go see why we love it so much! </p>

<p>Roll Tide!</p>

<p>ACT - 32M & 31V — SAT = to 720M & 700CR (Called SAT to confirm)</p>


<p>It doesn’t work that way. You don’t just count two sections of the ACT with “converted SAT” numbers. (I don’t think any school does what you’ve listed to determine merit. they use M+CR for SAT…but they’ll use Composite for ACT)</p>

<p>What is his ACT composite? That’s what matters.</p>

<p>edited to add…</p>

<p>His ACT overall comp is equal to 2050 compared to the SAT</p>

<p>Sounds like he has an ACT 31? If so, then he’d get a 2/3 tuition award from Bama (about $16k per year).</p>

<p>In another thread, you mention eng’g. If he is in eng’g (and starts that way), then he would get free tuition plus 2500 per year.</p>

<p>He’s going to be accepted…that’s 99.99%</p>

<p>^Oh, I apologize! I read the SAT numbers as his ACTUAL numbers, not some conversion.</p>

<p>Engineeging for NROTC ---- Political science for “if all else fails”. I have a tough time understanding what he is doing but in short he told me he wants two plans and not to worry. If I’m putting out the money, I’m worried but you cant get blood from a stone. </p>

<p>Any feedback is great. I’m a street kid that went back to college in my mid 20’s so the application process was much different. Adding in the fact that I am now “older” it all becomes confusing on who wants what and what gets you in where. I have the Naval Academy and NROTC down but different college are looking for different things and it all just drives me over the edge. There is a lot that I know but as I read and dig there is way more I don’t know.</p>

<p>WOW…okay this is good you have 50k posts, any feedback is excellent feedback. I guess you can say you have a good understanding of thing. “THANK YOU!” He just got some results for the ACT and yes he is at a 31now, it was a 29. I’ll remember to just use the comp for now on. </p>

<p>Edjumacation it’s all good and info is good info.</p>

<p>In regard to getting into his mybama account, I’ll ask. I’m sure he will just say Dad, I’ll look you have a glass of wine." In other words he wants me to mind my own P’s & Q’s. This is where the forum becomes helpful!!!</p>

<p>The only thing he did not get (or did not tell us) was an invite to the honors college. I’ll ask, this is important.</p>

<p>That ACT (combined with the GPA) will earn him both a 2/3 scholarship and an honors college acceptance. Congrats!</p>

<p>I thought they were actual numbers, too. Didn’t realize the conversion. </p>

<p>I would have him take it again in December to try for more money.</p>

<p>I would have him list Eng’g as his major. He can do that in MyBama…Academics Tab…left column…scroll down. He may have to wait til he’s accepted to do that, but that will be very soon.</p>

<p>He can always change to something else later, but if he does do eng’g, then he needs to start in eng’g to get the MOST money.</p>

<p>You don’t get invited to the Honors College. You just apply - ONCE accepted to the school. Again, Academics tab on My Bama, left column, scroll down, click on the link for the HC link (after accepted to the school).</p>

<p>Since he has the right stats, that link will be APPEAR once he’s accepted.</p>

<p>Don’t worry that the scholarships that we’re talking about aren’t on the scholarship app.</p>

<p>^If someone changes their major at the start of freshman year, do they have to give back the 2500?</p>


<p>First of all, the 2500 is split between semesters.</p>

<p>Secondly, when are you talking about? If someone starts as eng’g, why would they change majors in the middle of that semester? Why wouldn’t they wait til the end of the semester? </p>

<p>My older son was a ChemE major when he started (there wasn’t a 2500 deal then). He changed to math after the first semester ended. There would have been no need for him to change majors (in the system) prior to that…even if he “knew” he’d be changing his major in - say - October.</p>

<p>However, are you asking if someone changes from eng’g to say math right before the semester starts? If so, the money would probably never get put in the acct.</p>

<p>I don’t remember exactly, but I’m not sure if fall frosh eng’g deposits show up before classes start.</p>

<p>^Oh, I understand. Thanks for the info!</p>

1st. Thank you everybody. </p>

<p>2nd. My DS had to wait a few days here the school did not have his ACT scores yet. The mybama account now offers the honors college that will be completed tomorrow. </p>

<p>3rd. The account also offers some fellows thing (clueless on this). The offer saud it is only going out to 1,000 kids. What the heck is this offer?</p>

<p>UFE is a highly competitive honors program within the Honors College. About 1000 applicants apply. Go to the Honors College for more information.</p>

<p>About 25-40 frosh are selected each year to participate.</p>

<p><a href=“http://honors.ua.edu/university-fellows-experience/[/url]”>http://honors.ua.edu/university-fellows-experience/&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;