Political Science Internships

<p>As you may know DS and I were a little disappointed in the advising session at the last Honors College Preview day. I contacted Mr. Railsback at the Career Center to see if we could get some more information about career outcomes and internships for political science majors at UA. He referred my message to Dr. Richard Fording, Chair of the Political Science Department, who sent my son a really kind email detailing the opportunities available in his department and offering to meet with him when he comes to campus in the fall. For those interested the internships are impressive, my son was particularly interested in The Washington Experience which sends students to DC where they can intern in Congress or for a think tank such as the Heritage Foundation. One student had recently interned in the White House before going to law school, while another had interned with the Republican Attorney Generals Association and was offered a job after graduation. </p>

<p>DS was equally impressed with the fact that Dr. Fording had taken the time to email him personally. As he read the message I could see him mentally dropping all colleges except UA off the list. I am really happy that he has found his niche.</p>

<p>Future poli sci major here. Your post made my day!</p>

<p>Edjumacation, I think you and my son would have a lot in common. Maybe your paths will cross next year.</p>

<p>Hopefully! He should join the Facebook group!</p>

<p>He’s not big on Facebook but I will suggest it to him.</p>

<p>My daughter had 2 summer internships in DC. She did not do the “Washington Experience” as she did not want to pay the tuition and did not need the credit. However she was able to take advantage of the special programs the U of Al and Alumni association held. Since we are from Ky, she also participated in Kentucky Society events such as the Henry Clay dinner.
Both of my D internships were on the Hill. The Congressional job was non-paid, the Senate (Mitch McConnell) gave a stipend. Some won’t pay anything if the student is getting college credit. Best to check first if money is an issue. She secured both on her own, although we know our Congressman.
There are many UA students in DC in the summer, and huge number of college students in general. My D is planning on returning after graduation to job hunt.</p>

<p>^Do you know if it’s possible for students on both sides of the aisle to obtain internships through UA? Or does it only have pull with the right side of the aisle?</p>

Can you recall how much the tuition cost was for the “Washington Experience”? Looking at the site I’m assuming that it must be the cost of taking PSC 399 as a summer course.</p>

<p>I can recall some talk previously about being able to do a course in the summer but have it billed in the fall so a scholarship would be used. Possibly these were internship courses. Does this ring a bell for anyone?</p>

<p>Edjumacation, My D’s internships were not arranged through UA, but I don’t think politics are a consideration for those who use the university resources for internships. We just happen to know our Congressman pretty well, but she still went through the application and references process. Actually the internship with Sen. McConnell was easier to get. Maybe because she had previously interned with a Ky rep.</p>

<p>AlbionGirl, I can’t remember what the tuition was, but if the scholarship hadn’t paid it, it probably would have been out of state tuition for 3 credit hours. DD didn’t want to do the assignments that come with the class, and didn’t need the credit.</p>

<p>Thanks catfan. One way or another we’ll make it work as I know DS would love to intern in Washington.</p>