~Posponment for further information?~help please



<p>That’s me!! hahah. Not gonna lie, it’s pretty damn screwed up.</p>

<p>My point is that you’re not making the case that you haven’t been given proper consideration by UW Admissions when you only list your ACT score and the rather vague reference to “many APs”. How’d you do in them for example? What’s your GPA? Are the “many APs” that you’ve taken considered at or near the most rigorous curriculum that you could have taken at your school? How were your essays? Did they convey who you are to the reviewers? How were your ECs? Have you done anything outside the classroom of note?</p>

<p>All the above are taken into consideration in reviewing a given application…saying, in effect that “I was unfairly treated, I had an ACT of xx, and was postponed”, reminds me of the John Godfrey Saxe poem, “The Blind Man and the Elephant”…</p>

<p>It was six men of Hindustan
To learning much inclined,
Who went to see the Elephant
(Though all of them were blind)
That each by observation
Might satisfy the mind.
And so these men of Hindustan
Disputed loud and long,
Each in his own opinion
Exceeding stiff and strong,
Though each was partly in the right
And all were in the wrong.</p>

<p>So oft in theologic wars,
The disputants, I ween,
Rail on in utter ignorance
Of what each other mean,
And prate about an Elephant
Not one of them has seen!</p>

<p>[The</a> Blindmen and the Elephant - Wikisource](<a href=“http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/The_Blindmen_and_the_Elephant]The”>The Poems of John Godfrey Saxe/The Blind Men and the Elephant - Wikisource, the free online library)</p>

<p>cool. u quoted me a poem. i have seen it before. to get back to the point…i was hardly trying to make a point of myself, which is why my description of myself as a candidate was, in fact, pretty vague. i also didn’t want to sound to cocky, because i’m not. but, if u really want me to answer your questions…</p>

<p>“and the rather vague reference to “many APs”. How’d you do in them for example?”
3, 4, 4</p>

<p>“What’s your GPA?”
~3.6 UW/4.0 W</p>

<p>“Are the “many APs” that you’ve taken considered at or near the most rigorous curriculum that you could have taken at your school?”
yes. 7, in the past 3 years.</p>

<p>“How were your essays?”
they were actually great. my guidance counselor was tearing up while reading my main essay [lol, don’t ask] & my english teacher called them “excellent”.</p>

<p>“How were your ECs?”
well, i’ve volunteered in other countries, participated in multiple volunteer programs, have ~200 volunteer hours at the local hospital, & 2 years ago i founded a community-service-oriented club at my school, of which i have been the president of since then. i also have two other leadership positions.</p>

<p>oh, & i’m sure my reccs were fantastic. my AP Bio teacher [that’s the test i got a 3 on] told me “i couldn’t say a bad thing about u if i tried” :]</p>

<p>i can also be considered somewhat of a minority. i think i checked off the ‘middle-eastern’ box.</p>

<p>as u can see, i’m not saying i’m the <em>perfect</em> applicant. i am, however, high-achieving, at least in the context of my high school & definitely in the context of UW’s freshmen profile. so to say that another applicant who scored a <23 on the ACT & may well have 0 ECs to speak of <em>deserves</em> to get in more than i do…well, it’s just BS ;)</p>

<p>Thisgirl… Those stats are not spectacular in comparison to other UW appliants. You were postponed, but there are plenty of others with similar credentials. Sometimes it is a matter of choosing between several equal candidates- there’s probably your UW accepted counterpart out there who is waiting for a U Mich answer.</p>

<p>have you ever worked? i get a kick out of some people that get everything handed to them, but still have the same credentials as me. i mean academics are a huge in the admissions process, but you are applying to a top-notch university. in uw’s case, im sure some of these decisions are so close that work experience and socioeconomic status is a deciding factor</p>

<p>Thisgirl. I didn’t think you sounded cocky. I did think you sounded frustrated. Before I could provide an opinion on whether your postponement would resolve itself favorably, more information was needed. You provided it, and now I can say that I’m in agreement with wis75. I also think that you will eventually be accepted. Lastly, the poem wasn’t off point. Plus, I love poetry. If you get into Wisconsin, you can be assured that you’re not settling for something less than a Michigan Education. They’re both highly rated public universities.</p>