Possible Changes To Benacquisto and Florida Aid

We just got back from a whirlwind trip to do unofficial USF and UCF visits. UCF was the clear winner and is tied for D21s first choice currently. I am watching this thread closely. I sent an email to Luke, the NMF coordinator for UCF, asking what the UCF plans were if Benaquisto changes. Will update the thread if I get a reply!


SB 86 is now on calendar for 3/23 at 10:30 a.m., before the Appropriations Subcommittee on Education.

eta: ugh, that’s 7:30 a.m. PST

Actually, there is the info discussed in social media that lottery money left after funding BF was always supposed to go directly to FL budget for education purposes. And newly accepted (bigger than usual) education budget counts in this money already. So these bills will certainly pass and there will be no veto from the Governor

I am wondering if they ever put it in writing

Yes, both schools have put those assurances in writing. UF has not and will not.

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UCF has not, at least for the CO 2025. Luke Van Blaricom just sent an update email saying that it is too early for him to “provide concrete plans.”


Is it too late to change my first choice for National Merit from UF to undecided? Do they send some offers out in March, or is all of this done in May?

Change your first choice to undecided asap. But also, first thing tomorrow, call NMSC to get clarification for yourself. They are extremely nice, and are there to help.

Well, here’s the apparent current stance of DeSantis – he wants to fully fund Bright Futures: "I fully funded it in my budget, and we hope the Legislature follows suit on that as well.” Gov. DeSantis signals support for fully funded Bright Futures

He also increased funding for Benacquisto in his budget, so this appears promising.


YESSS I LOVE DESANTIS. maybe not lmao, but this still gives me lots and lots of hope. this may change some republican’s minds in the next vote since desantis is very popular in florida.

Great news!

For the summer credits, do Benacquisto scholars pay in-state tuition at UF? I understand the scholarship does not cover summer term.

I don’t know. My D is getting her summer classes waived at FSU and she will take CC classes here at home.

But both scholarships were always funded by Lottery money not by budget. And fully funded is not unchanged. If bill passes and amount of scholarship reduced, fully funded won’t help

Fully funded only means “up to the % decided annually”. It could be “only for the majors on the list”, too.
For a while, BF was “fully funded” but only covered partial tuition, for instance. In addition, the criteria have regularly changed, so that now only about 25% Florida students can qualify for any level of BF, and only 18% actually benefit, whereas in the original idea, it was set to criteria covering all college-ready Florida students (still with full and partial levels of course depending on achievement).
So, you can “fully fund” based on different criteria, all you have to do is change the criteria and the % covered. Neat trick, eh?

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Sure - I do think there might be issues ahead. I only suggested this sounds promising, not that it’s a slam dunk.

We need further info and clarification about DeSantis’ position, but he may be signaling to the legislature that he does not view the bill favorably.

There’s a lot of leeway in the statement’s interpretation. Could be positive… or just obfuscating. :frowning:
To people who value education, the bill is so out there that we can’t assume our perspective is that being used, the meaning we give words the meaning used, etc. :frowning:

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The hearing has been rescheduled for 3/24 at 4:30 pm EST. https://flsenate.gov/Session/Bill/2021/86

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Well, looks like some of the most controversial provisions of SB86 have been removed, see also some of the coverage. What remains is to make sure neither Bright Futures not Benacquisto gets defunded should the bill pass.

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I am confused, looks like its on the agenda of the appropriations subcommittee for education today (10:30AM EDT), and tomorrow (4:30 PM EDT). According to the appropriations subcommittee for education agenda for the Agenda for tomorrow, the next step will be to get it in front of the Appropriations committee and I did not see any planned meetings on their website.