Possible Transfer back to a UC

I was dismissed from UCR a year ago and am now going to a community college. If I manage to get grades that are sufficient enough to transfer back to UCR, or an even better UC, will the credits I gained from the two quarters I spent at UCR affect my chances of readmission? I’m worried that after the 2 (maybe 3) years I spend at my CCC, I will have accumulated too many credits for readmission.

Also, at UCR, I passed Chem 1 and English 004 with C’s, and failed math 008b. I retook the equivalent of these courses at my CC and managed to pull off 2 A’s and a B in calc. I also believe that the English course i took at my CC was one level above the English course I took at UCR. Will UC’s look at both the grades from UCR and the CC? Or will they only pay attention to the grades received at the CC.

Lastly, If I manage to get around a 3.5 gpa, will my chances of being accepted to a UC as a transfer student still be low? Do engineering students need to get A’s in nearly all science and math courses to even be considered? My dream school would be UCLA or UCSB which I know are very competitive for Engineering students.