<p>RELIEVED! RELIVED! Now, I can proceed with the classes I like at college!</p>
<p>AP Physics C Mechanics:5
AP Physics C E&M: 5
AP Chemistry:5</p>
<p>RELIEVED! RELIVED! Now, I can proceed with the classes I like at college!</p>
<p>AP Physics C Mechanics:5
AP Physics C E&M: 5
AP Chemistry:5</p>
<p>A National AP Scholar in one year? Yo you could probably win the State scholar award for the most APs at the end of whenever your senior year was/is.</p>
<p>Frick... Most of my scores were not availiable, but Gov was.
However, English Lit was not even listed when she read them out... she just went from "Biology: not available" to "Government: 5"
I really need to know that score for a writing test for college...</p>
<p>Anyone else have this problem? Btw, I took all of my tests overseas, so I had exams different than those of the Stateside people.</p>
<p>I called:</p>
<p>AP Eng. Lang. - 5
AP French - 4
AP Italian - 5
AP Calc AB - 4
AP Physics B - 4</p>
<p>They didn't have my AP Bio results b/c I tested late.</p>
<p>I'm disappointed w/ AP French but hey, I finished my senior w/ great scores overall and (considering my scores from past years) - NATIONAL AP SCHOLAR status!! Wooo hooo!! Congrats to everyone else!</p>
<p>bloodandiron - wait, were you referring to me? Cause I took my exams over the course of my sophomore and junior years, not one year.</p>
<p>Relieved...i was mostly worried only about bio cuz it was my hardest exam and i mixed up species A&B on FRQ#2 and bs'ed all of FRQ#4. Also, that's the only exam in which i'll get a grade boost (one letter) for getting a 5. Plus i can laugh at my teacher now (who really sucks) that i got an 800/5, even though i had a C+ at the time when AP/SATIIs were going on (class doesn't do jack**** and teacher gives us hard ass tests that make everyone except ppl with his test bank fail).</p>
<p>This year:
Bio- 5
Chem- 5
Calc BC-5, AB Sub- 5</p>
<p>Last year:
US Hist- 5</p>
<p>What does that make me? AP Scholar with Honor?? something like that?
<p>Bio - 5
USH - 5</p>
<p>i'm soooo happy, i thought i got a 4 on history because my essays weren't great.. YAYAYAY</p>
<p>--------------- Soph Year
4 world hist
5 chem
5 calc ab
--------------- Junior Year
3 us hist
5 comp sci a
5 eng
5 calc bc
5 phys c mech
5 phys c e&m
5 stat</p>
<li> Art History -5
<li>Biology - 5</li>
<li>Calculus AB - 5</li>
<li>Calculus BC -5</li>
<li>Chemistry -5</li>
<li>Computer Science A -5</li>
<li>Computer Science AB -5</li>
<li>Macroeconomics -5</li>
<li>Microeconomics -5</li>
<li>English Language -5</li>
<li>English Literature -5</li>
<li>Environmental Science -5</li>
<li>European History -5</li>
<li>French Language -5</li>
<li>French Literature -5</li>
<li>German Language -5</li>
<li>Comp Government & Politics -5</li>
<li>U.S. Government & Politics -5</li>
<li>Human Geography -5</li>
<li>Italian Language and Culture -5</li>
<li>Latin Literature -5</li>
<li>Latin: Vergil -5</li>
<li>Music Theory -5</li>
<li>Physics B -5</li>
<li>Physics C -5</li>
<li>Psychology -5</li>
<li>Spanish Language -5</li>
<li>Spanish Literature -5</li>
<li>Statistics -5</li>
<li>Studio Art -5</li>
<li>U.S. History -5</li>
<li>World History -5
What can i say, i'm really smart</li>
<p>^^^^^^^^ lol, seriously.</p>
<p>sully264, that looks quite suspicious, maybe u shouldnt have put them in abc order, and cut down on some, that would make it more credible</p>
<p>Calc BC - 5 (AB subscore - 5)
Lit - 4
Env. Sci - 4
Psych - 4
Micro - 5
US Gov - 3
Phys. B - 5
Phys. C - pending</p>
<p>thought I 5'd the psych and env. test. gov i went into blind. lit was up in the air with my essays. oh well. i got the scores i needed for the ones that mattered (redoing micro..)</p>
<p>prev years:</p>
<p>calc ab - 5
chem - 5
lang - 3
macro - 5
micro - 3
stat - 5</p>
<p>I am planning on waiting for the mail.<br>
let's see if I can do this :)</p>
<p>bsax i think they graded most alternate exams at a different date so they wont be ready until later. Your grades are probably grouped with the late test takers grades.</p>
<p>hahaha, that's great Sully</p>
<p>heh ..AP biology-5 (gotta love hearing that on the phone..)</p>
<p>All I'm getting on the phone is "None of your scores are available at this time..." Is anyone else getting this message? I'm waiting for Calc BC, Chem, Stats, and Spanish Language. Waiting on tenterhooks!</p>
<p>AP chemistry - 5 (the only one I really wanted)
AP US history - 3 (I really thought I got a 4 but oh well.)
AP English 11 - 2 (I KNEW I did bad on this for sure. So I don't care)
All in all I am just happy when I go into college in 07' that I will have at LEAST one 5 :D.</p>
<p>Bio - 5
PhysC - 3</p>
<p>i'm done with the collegeboard! YES!</p>
<p>My D:</p>
<p>Biology 5
European History 5
World History 3 (self study)</p>
<p>Last year:</p>
<p>US History 5 (self study)
Statistics 4</p>
<p>Will take 4 AP class senior year.</p>