Post your AP Scores! 2006

<p>GAW i did so *<strong><em>ty. I realized I could see them through my college account for free so here it goes...: *</em></strong></p>

<p>Only one I'm sort of happy about AP studio Art drawing: 4
AP enviro 3
AP gov 3
AP eng 3</p>

<p>Well i'm ****ed but i am actually surprise I passed gov because i didn't study at all.</p>

<p>Art History - 4</p>


<p>It's the first 4 in three years at my school. No one's gotten a 5 since like 1990 or something.</p>

* Art History -5
* Biology - 5
* Calculus AB - 5
* Calculus BC -5
* Chemistry -5
* Computer Science A -5
* Computer Science AB -5
* Macroeconomics -5
* Microeconomics -5
* English Language -5
* English Literature -5
* Environmental Science -5
* European History -5
* French Language -5
* French Literature -5
* German Language -5
* Comp Government & Politics -5
* U.S. Government & Politics -5
* Human Geography -5
* Italian Language and Culture -5
* Latin Literature -5
* Latin: Vergil -5
* Music Theory -5
* Physics B -5
* Physics C -5
* Psychology -5
* Spanish Language -5
* Spanish Literature -5
* Statistics -5
* Studio Art -5
* U.S. History -5
* World History -5
What can i say, i'm really smart


i know this is a whole post off but..
dood how many AP's do you take a year man?</p>

<p>or arre u just being sarcastic</p>

<p>i figured he was just kidding?</p>

<p>he is lying, u cant take calculus ab and calculus bc in one year nor can u take computer science a and computer science ab in one year.....sorry ur caught....its in the 2005-2006 ap hand book that was passed out.</p>


<p>I thought it was completely obvious Sully was joking and just innocently poking fun at the people who do actually take like 15 AP tests!</p>

<p>yeah guys i mean if you didnt catch on to the sarcasm thats pretty lame.</p>

he is lying, u cant take calculus ab and calculus bc in one year nor can u take computer science a and computer science ab in one year.....sorry ur caught....its in the 2005-2006 ap hand book that was passed out.


Thank you for that astute observation detective.</p>

<p>Yeah, you're pretty much mentally retarded if you didn't know he was kidding. I mean, Jesus, he'd have to be fluent in German, Spanish, French, Italian, Latin, and English. You should have at least caught on to that.</p>

<p>why the hell is the stupid phone service just telling me my records cannot be located or w/e it says</p>

<p>5 in calc bc, compsci ab, enviro, german, english lang, stats, & us</p>

<p>fategghed: My daughter had the same message. I called Customer Service yesterday and they did not have any record of her exams either. Today she gets a message that they found her records but her scores won't be available for a week. Frustrating to say the least</p>

<p>5 calc bc
5 bio
5 english lang
5 english lit
5 macroecon</p>

<p>World History-5
Art History-4

<p>pretty good for a sophomore:P</p>

<p>Euro- 4
English Lit- 4
Spanish Lang- 5
Calc AB- 5</p>

<p>AP Lang: 5 (I thought I screwed up the essays too)
AP USH: 5</p>

<p>Eng Lit: 5
Bio: 5
Gov: 5
BC: 4
Maco: 4
French Lit: 3 (The one score I needed a 4 on. so gay.)</p>

<p>Physics B -5
Statistics -5</p>

<p>*middle school
Calculus BC 5
Physics B 5</p>

Physics C E/M 5/5
Chemistry 5
Statistics 5</p>

Computer Science AB 5
Macro/Micro Economics 5/5
US History 5</p>

Biology 5
World History 5
English Language 5
French Language 5</p>

US Government & Politics 5
English Literature 5
Environmental Science 5
French Literature 5
European History 5</p>

<p>You took AP classes in middle school!!! I havent even heard of AP then. You must be one of those genius kids.</p>