<p>OH and last year scores:</p>
<p>calc BC: 5
Physics E&M: 5
Physics Mech: 4</p>
<p>OH and last year scores:</p>
<p>calc BC: 5
Physics E&M: 5
Physics Mech: 4</p>
ush- 5</p>
<p>Can someone please record the automated telling of the scores for me? I just wanna know how it sounds like. Lol.</p>
<p>i lost my AP pack and i didn't use my SS this time, so I have to wait till monday yay!</p>
<p>This Year:
Span Lang- 3
Environmental- 5
Eng Lit- 4
Macro- 4
Micro- 4
US Gov- 4</p>
<p>Years Past:
Euro- 5
US- 4
Eng Lang- 4
Music Theory- 3</p>
<p>What's the most 1s you have ever heard of some1 getting?</p>
<p>my best friend got a 1 in stats and a 2 in US.</p>
<p>What number do you call and can you call now or Sunday?</p>
I called Friday night and got them for my daughter. You need SSN or AP number and a credit card.</p>
<p>"Grades By Phone
Starting July 1, AP Grades by Phone for the current year's exams will be available for students in the United States, U.S. territories, and Canada for a fee of $8 per call. This service will be offered 24 hours a day by TouchTone phone and will remain available for about six weeks. The toll-free number is (888) 308-0013. Students outside the U.S., U.S. territories, and Canada can call AP Services."</p>
<p>BTW, D got 5 in US History, 5 in Env Science, 4 on Eng Lit. She took Euro History last year and got a 4 in that.</p>
<p>I'm so happy! The little AP faerie seemed intent on blessing me with grades that I deserved, but didn't really think I was going to get.</p>
AP Euro- 5 (predicted- 5)
AP Stats- 5 (predicted- 3-4, because I screwed up on the free response)
AP Lang and Comp- 5 (predicted 4-5)</p>
AP US His- 5</p>
<p>This whole 5 thing is setting a high standard to keep up year after year.</p>
<p>oyyy... i think im gonna save myself the 8 dollars or whatever and just wait for the mail... plus i have a bad feeling about ap eng lit and comp haha</p>
<p>same. holla.</p>
<p>FU*K the AP english test. I got a 3 and i needed a four to skip out of one semester of english at berkeley and i totally thought i had a 4 or 5. A 5 would have got me exempt from both semesters of english (that would have been heavenly)!</p>
<p>Some college websites have your AP scores (USoCal & UCa schools among them). You might save yourself some money by checking there 1st & getting the info without having to call & pay the extra $8. My S has taken 14 APs -- 5 as a junior & 9 as a senior. He got all 5s--but a 4 in Eng Lit & a 4 in US History. </p>
<p>Unfortunately, his college will only give him a max of 32 credits, but it's still better than none. He's pretty happy.</p>
<p>They couldn't find me by social security number. Can you get your AP number online?</p>
AP Calc AB--5
AP Chem----4 (damn)
AP World----5</p>
<p>I couldn't resist and I called. 5 on both US History and Chemistry.</p>
<p>Freshman: Cal AB (5)
Sophomore: Bio (5)
Junior: US History and Chemistry (5)</p>
<p>bio 5
eng lang 5
comp sci A 5
us history 5</p>
<p>im happy :-)</p>
<p>This makes me sick how many people called to get there scores early. Have a little patience.</p>
<p>I have orientation next week and while the school is supposed to have the scores I want to make sure I know them so I can get the right classes for the fall. There is a very practical aspect to this.</p>