<p>Is anyone else having trouble with the grades by phone? I've called about a dozen times, entered my AP number and birthday (I know they're correct, I have the number right here and I think I know my own birthday :p), but they keep saying my record can't be found! I'm scared now!</p>
<p>Anyone know what typically has qualified as a State AP Scholar. My son got all 5's on 5 AP's. But there is bound to be someone who took 7 or more AP's in one year. If we had planned it out better, he would have taken by self study the Gov't AP, World Hist. and Geography.</p>
<p>Do collegeboard send certificates to junior Ap scholars?</p>
<p>I think you need over 12 5s to be a state scholar at a minimum, but it varies by state. Some people will take like 18. But Its also not over one year either.</p>
<p>AP Biology: 5
AP European History: 4
AP Calculus AB: 5</p>
<p>I'm pretty satisfied with these scores. I wasn't expecting higher in Euro, and AP Bio and Calc are the only ones I would use to test out of anything in college.</p>
<p>are you saying that in some states kids that take 12 or even 18 in ONE year are those that have qualified in the past? woe</p>
<p>It's not based on how many AP tests a person takes in just ONE year. It's over his or her entire AP career, I'm pretty sure. Accumulating 18 tests in four years of high school, or even before, is not all TOO difficult, if one has initiative and takes lots of tests before junior year even starts.</p>
<p>but is around 18 the number people have been hearing?</p>
<p>I stink.....</p>
<p>Biology: 4
AP Euro: I took it late; I'll find out the scores later....</p>
<p>Last Year:
AP US History: 4</p>
<p>Normally, I'd be thrilled with the 4 in AP Biology (I get as much credit for 4's as I do for 5's at the school I'm planning on attending, and I wasn't expecting more than a 3 in Bio)..... But still, seeing all the 5's on this site really makes you feel inferior.....</p>
<p>what if i lost my ap number, and i didnt write my social security number on the test?</p>
<p>i hear that you can talk to some operator or something like that, but i'm not sure about that, though you can also wait till mid-July for your grade report.</p>
<p>hit option 2...</p>
<p>Do CB send certificate to juniors????</p>
<p>Eng Lang: 4 (doh... off topic essay...)
Comp Sci AB: 5
Calc BC: 5
AB sub score: 5</p>
<p>Eng Lang: 5
Calc AB: 5
Biology: 5</p>
<p>Eng Lit: 3
Spanish Lang: 4
US History: 4 :)
Calc AB: 5
Physics B: 5 [No idea how I pulled off this one]</p>
<p>English Lit - 5 (AHHHH!!)
Physics B - 2 (totally expected that)
US History - 3 (WOOO PASSING!)</p>
<p>Cacl BC: 4
Calc AB subscore: 4
Chem: 4
US Gov: 5
Comp Gov: 5</p>
<p>Called in:</p>
<p>Physics: 4
USH: 4</p>
<p>I expected the 4 in Physics, but that USH grade, ouch..</p>
<p>When I called, it didn't give me my chem grade! Could that be because my school took it late? My other scores are:</p>
<p>Macro: 5
Micro: 5
Biology: 4</p>
<p>I was SO surprised by my bio grade. I was expecting a 2 at most.</p>