Post Your Essays For Future Applicants

<p>The other one was more personal @stargirl3 thats why i didnt feel so comfortable posting it</p>

<p>Yeah one of my essays is really personal.</p>

<p>anyone else <em>passive-aggressive voice</em>? </p>

<p>@RockComet niicee :)</p>

<p>Hereā€™s my passion essay. Tell me what you think! I will be deleting it before the end of the hour and maybe reposting it.</p>

<p>Ok. Its gone.</p>

I cannot say much from a schoolā€™s perspective as I am clearly not an AO. But I can give you critique as a reader!
It was clean and concise, but it would have been more interesting if you focused less on what your schoolā€™s curriculum is, and instead stressed out what you have been doing to pursue your passion of learning, such as helping your brother. Personally, I guess Iā€™m more into showing, not telling. Overall it was really good, much better than what I can write! :)</p>

<p>Thanks @waiting4march10! I do agree with you, but I guess I just didnā€™t know how to write all of that in 400 words.</p>

<p>@needtoboard i liked it :wink: :slight_smile:
@waiting5march10 daawwww thaaankss :slight_smile: </p>

<p>and btw how does this thing workā€¦ do we erase the essays?</p>

<p>You have an hour after you post anything to ā€œeditā€ the post</p>

<p>Okayā€¦ im gonna post it and delete it in an hour</p>

<p>its goneā€¦ </p>

<p>Lovely essays guys! I missed some of the ones earlier, I wish you had left them up :(</p>

<p>@exeterbunny i just dont knowā€¦ i dont really like the prospect of leaving my essays in here for likeā€¦ always
should i post my groton essay too 2morrow? since i was acceptedā€¦</p>

<p>My essays tell a lot about meā€¦ a lot of identifying things.</p>

<p>BUMP!!! For new prospective applicants who need inspiration for their essays (like me).</p>

<p>bump bump bump for everyone trying to write essays. These are really helpful.</p>

<p>Thanks for bumping. I actually forgot about thisā€¦ This will be a great help for inspiration!</p>

<p>I just read all of the essays in this thread, and I just realized that one of my essays is quite similar to one of the essays in the threadā€¦ and itā€™s for the same school and itā€™s the same prompt. Should I worry about this?</p>

<p>You donā€™t have to worry about it. As long as you have an anecdote that is near identical to someone elseā€™s or an extremely unique theme that someone else used(emphasis on unique), you wonā€™t have to worry about being accused of plagiarism. </p>

<p>Decided to wait till M10 until posting. Out of curiosity, is anyone still here?</p>