Post Your Essays For Future Applicants

BUMP :)>-

Really, really want extra feedback on my essays but extremely anxious about someone finding it.

How are you going to get extra feedback without anyone finding out about it? @02gloves

@mathman1201ā€Œ Lol. No, I meant AOā€™s.

02gloves you can PM it. I am just a student but you can PM it to me and I would be happy to give you feedback.

same problem as 02glovesā€¦ :expressionless:

Hereā€™s the thing. I would love to help out all of you and give you my advice on everything but some of you are applying to the same schools I amā€¦ and then I would just be making things harder for myself XD.

whimisicalwhims I would be happy to read your essay and give you feedback I am in the final drafts of all my essays. So it wouldnā€™t hurt me. PM me anytime.

@bschoolsearcher oh my god! thank you!

Okay, so I think I can post one of my essays, as it has no personal info, but should I?

I personally would not post my essays on here until after March 10th because if an AO finds it and recognizes your essay they can see everything else you have said on this site an you lose your anonymity. As I said before if you pm me your essay I will read and comment on it and you donā€™t have to post it publicly. If it makes you feel more comfortable we can trade essays I will send you one of mine and you can send you one of yours.

@bschoolsearcher Thanks so much! Iā€™ll PM it now!

@whimsicalwhims I would be more than happy to proofread your essays! If you want another look at something PM me!

I wonā€™t be applying to exeter and andover till next year, but should I get started on the essays this year? Any advice/tips would be appreciated! :slight_smile:

Sometimes the essays change so I would hold up on them. :slight_smile:

Is there anyone TRUSTED on this forum that would be willing to look over my application essays and provide some feedback? After reading all these great essays on this thread, I would appreciate more input!

I would be happy to read them if you want. I am a just an 8th grader but I would be happy to give you some input.

PM me whenever

Thelittleswimmer: PM me when youre ready. I will provide feedback

@thelittleswimmer I can help look it over as well! :)>- But just so ya know, Iā€™m just an eighth graderā€¦