Post Your Essays For Future Applicants

@thelittleswimmer‌ I am a 10th grade English scholar and I’m happy to give them a read

@baschoolsearcher Do you mind doing an essay trade with me too as well? I’m kind of nervous about this, lol and it would make me feel a lot more comfortable.

okay @thelittleswimmer I will find one to send you

@bschoolsearcher‌ Ok! Pm it to me anytime!

@02gloves: If you need any extra feedback, I’d be happy to give you some. We do lots of peer reviews in my composition class, so I have some “experience”, I guess. But pm me anytime.

kudos to all of you who are taking the plunge and applying to these very challenging programs. i am the mom of a daughter who is considering applying to BFA schools right now. she hopes to major in musical theater. i have a bachelors degree in nursing and have homeschooled all three of my children. so i suppose i am also a teacher :-B . i would love to read any of your essays and give feedback. i have read the few posted on different forums on CC. i am amazed at how much talent all of you have for writing technically sound pieces that also manipulate the words into a work of art. this is actually my very first post on CC so i do not know how the PM process works. i’m sure all of you technically savvy kids know how to shoot your essays my way! ^:)^

I can’t help but be curious as to what your motivation might be for wanting to read prep school application essays. Shouldn’t responsible adults discourage children from sharing such information with strangers online?

Bump! In case anyone would like to add to this thread :slight_smile:

I’m curious… what does “bump” do?

@Anonymousia “Bumping” is reviving old threads so that it appears in the front page of the forum, where people will be able to see it much more easily.

ohhh ok thanks @dminor101 :smiley:

Because for privacy reasons, I do not post my full essays online unless for application wise.

I can tell you that my essays were about how living in a certain neighborhood has shaped my personality, my beliefs, and my habits today.

When writing your essays, be sure to present yourself well so that the admission officers will get a full picture of you.
