Post Your Essays For Future Applicants

<p>lol that sure is yummy-- get it recipes and all… haha</p>

<p>Bumpppppp :slight_smile: There’s a lot of new users on here now.</p>

<p>yeah i noticed that too tuesdayss…</p>

<p>im too embarrassed to post my essay, I dont think it was that good…</p>

<p>you got into Exeter! of COURSE it’s good :slight_smile: seriously, don’t put yourself down!</p>

<p>These posts will help us a lot for next year admissions.</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I like somehappynews’ essay the most. I know you’d get in since paragraph #2 :slight_smile: Other essays here are great too.</p>

<p>BUMP! This thread was FANTASTIC! It needs to be revived! Come on people, post your essays.</p>


<p>BUMP!!! 10char!</p>

<p>I would suggest to the 2011 applicants to not post any essays until after decisions are released.</p>

<p>When decision letters come I am posting my SPS essay. Even though it was the hardest, I don’t think I can out do it later. I wrote about how I define success. What did everyone else write about for SPS?</p>

<p>I wrote about what I would do if I had a billion dollars to donate to science and technology.</p>

<p>I wrote about a time I stumbled in life</p>

<p>whats the name of the Harvard book with all the essays in it?</p>

I saw that in a bathroom at my friends house! His older brother applied to ivy league schools last year and never cleaned that stuff out. I even saw his book on possible college major by the Princeton Review. I think’s the title of the Harvard book is “50 essays of successful Harvard applicants” however I am not sure.</p>

<p>ugh since i’m from jersey, i’m only applying to peddie and lawrenceville and now i feel ■■■■■■■■.</p>

<p>i wrote about the most amazing nerd camp in the world, cty and how it changed my life for the better and influenced my decision to go to boarding school</p>

I’m reading the essays and I think I did all of mine the wrong sort of format. great.</p>

<p>^ what do you mean? there’s no set ‘format’, is there? i mean, andover even allows a drawing… (or was it exeter?) i don’t think they’re necessarily looking for 5 paragraphs, intro, arguments, conclusions. as long as it’s well-written i think it’ll be fine</p>

<p>:( i thought my groton essay was great until i asked for feedback. then it got torn to shreds, hmm</p>