Post Your Essays For Future Applicants

<p>No there isn’t a set format, but all the stuff I saw on here was very narrative-ish and mine really isn’t.</p>

<p>DiveAlive- What do you mean you got it torn to shreds? Am I misinterpreting something here?</p>

<p>I guess I’m not the only one writing about camp. For exeter I wrote about COncordia Language VIllages, the most amazing place on earth.</p>

<p>Did anybody apply to Deerfield here? What did you write for the advice one?</p>

<p>ssatfreak, i just meant that the people who critiqued it disparaged it so thoroughly that it figuratively got torn to shreds :stuck_out_tongue: it’s ok, since it’s better now (i think)</p>

<p>and for deerfield, i was very literal about the advice one. i think it was pretty easy… the same can’t be said about the ‘tell your advisor’ one :(</p>

I’m working on the advisor one for Deerfield now… and I’m honestly stuck. It’s probably the second hardest essay, only being beaten by the moral courage one for SPS.</p>

<p>I hated that stupid Deerifeld essay prompt. I felt like it was too specific; it obstructed my creativity. But at least it’s done.</p>

<p>i got a great idea for the Deerfield one now!!! yesssss! after much brain storming, i finally have an idea.</p>

<p>geez, that was difficult.
the groton one was a breeze. haven’t tackled the SPS one yet, but it looks pretty hard, too</p>

<p>I was reading another admissions thread and I thought, You know you’ve been writing too many essays when you can’t stop coming out with witty/philosophical/self-promoting anecdotes.</p>

both deerfield advisor and st pauls moral courage were very hard. I was stuck on the moral courage one for a while, but then I thought of a topic and i think my essay is okay. Also, I felt like because there were so many other St pauls essays it would be okay if that one wasn’t absolutely perfect. What I wrote for the advisor essay is really not that good and there is only one other essay for Deerfield. so I dont know what to do.</p>

<p>done my deerfield essay!</p>

<p>the conclusion is terrible, so i’ll work on it. the content’s pretty good, though, i think… it’s kind of a distinct style in the way that i did it, and i hope it doesn’t come off as a little strange :$</p>

<p>i lovelovelove the hotchkiss essay prompts, they look like lots of fun and i’m bursting with ideas :slight_smile: hurrah</p>

<p>Finished my rough draft for DA essay. But I have no idea what I’m gonna write for SPS one. I mean, I bet every other applicant says, “I stood up to a bully,” or something cheezy like that.</p>

<p>Wow, I wish I was applying to SPS now, I actually have a very good essay topic for that prompt… XD</p>

<p>You know, reading those first few essays, I think this year’s topics give much less room for creativity…
And my essays look pretty much average… or below.</p>

<p>I’m editing my Peddie essay right now and I chose topic - the invention.
I think that my essay is rather unpersonal. It’s set up like an essay I’d do for a school assignment: Introduce topic, argument, closing. I don’t think it reads to human emotion, which is vital to the success of application essays. But how am I supposed to make an essay about an invention I’d like to invent less like a school writing assignment??

<p>@beatlesforever: Maybe imagine the effects of your invention? Maybe it’s written from the POV of someone who benefitted from the invention?</p>

<p>Sevendad - that’s a really good idea! I might use it, if that’s okay with you. I was actually thinking about doing that before, but would it fit within the parameters of this prompt?</p>

<p>“If you could invent something, large or small, of daily help or global aid, explain what you would invent and why.”</p>


<p>I’ll leave it up to you to determine if a less straightforward response would still work.</p>

<p>Here’s another thought…a script for an informercial for the product. Would be a more humorous slant on the topic.</p>

<p>…I’m working on hotchkiss… can’t decide what prompts to use…</p>

<p>to all those applying to Deerfield Academy-
how long are your long essays. I did not see a word limit for the prompt</p>