<p>It seems like everyone is posting individual 'chance me' threads so how about we just do one giant one.....</p>
<p>I'll start:
3.67 uc gpa
1960 sat score
Decent EC's
Better than good essays
poli sci major</p>
<p>Chance me plz, then post your stats.</p>
<p>UC GPA: 3.67
30 ACT score
Really, really good EC’s (I threw in that I got published by an international publishing house and like 493839457 other things lol)
Pretty amazing essays
English Major</p>
<p>@sportsfan1234 I think you’ve got a good chance with that SAT score of yours! :] If your essays are good and you’ve got decent EC’s, it’ll really help! Good luck! I’m rooting for you!</p>
<p>@dvhs and sprortsfan
I’d say you both have a more than decent chance at getting in. GPAs are kinda iffy, like mine but I think the test scores and extracurriculars make up for it. I’d say 70%? Good luck! </p>
<p>Act 30
Sat 1990
Gpa 3.86
I believe good subjectives but im too lazy to list haha. I really want to get in!</p>
1850 SAT (1940 superscore)
720 Math 2</p>
Looks like we’re pretty similar, you may outweigh me in EC’s so i think you should get in…Good Luck!
<p>I’ll be shocked if you don’t get in…act score and sat are much above average for UCI, you’ve also got a solid GPA…85% chance IMO…good luck</p>
<p>What the heck, people are hearing but my page is still that same screen!!
I’m sooooo nervous you guys</p>
<p>@admissionhopeful Omg you’ll be fine! :] Don’t worry! i’m positive you’ll get in!</p>
<p>SAT: 1760
SAT II: Japanese (770) , Chinese (790)
GPA: 3.8
Intended major: East Asian Cultures
Alternate major: International Studies</p>
<p>No word yet :/</p>
<p>1880 sat
3.75 weighted
3.45 uc i took a lot of hard classes… i maxed out on the semesters
eagle scout,
low income
took some japanese at a CC (my alt major is japanese)
my essays were really good
(when i put eagle scout that was 10 hours for 52 weeks but if they let me total it it would have been over 2000 hours in scouting… and then 100-200+ community service through it.)
i did a criminal justice academy over the summer</p>
<p>Waitlisted for UC davis and San deigo, Rejected from Washington in St. Lious and CAL POLY SLO and UCSB</p>
<p>Unweighed GPA: 3.63
UC Weighted: 3.95 i believe
ACT: 30
SATII: MathII (760), Bio (730) Chinese (760)</p>
<p>Essays: many people think its amazing
EC: Volunteer (200+ hours), Intern, Varsity Tennis. Team captain</p>
<p>Major: Mech E
Ethnicity: Asian
Hooks: low middle class</p>
<p>impact majors affect uci?</p>
<p>Accepted to CSULB & U of Pacific.
Waiting for UCI (>_<) and Berkeley</p>
<p>Intended Major: Chemistry (I should’ve chosen undeclared though :[)
2nd Major: Psychology</p>
<p>Ethnicity: Filipino
Gender: Female</p>
<p>3.76 unweighted
4.08 weighted</p>
<p>1630 SAT super score (I’m a bad test taker x_x)
8 AP classes from 10th - 12th grade
(World history, US history, English language, psychology, English literature, Calculus AB, Macroeconomics, US gov’t & politics) </p>
<p>I don’t have many ECs but I think the ones I have are pretty decent…
- Judo (12 years, currently a black belt, compete on local/state/national level)
- Wrestling (4 years; 2 years JV/2 years Varsity, 2x girls CIF & CA state placer)
- NHS (2 years)
- CSF (2 years)
- Key Club (2 years, senior year secretary)
There’s a few more clubs but they’re school clubs such as Filipino club and Vietnamese club :P</p>
<p>60+ community service hours</p>
<p>I think my essays are pretty good. The better one out of the two was about how wrestling and being one of few girls in a male-dominated sport impacted me :P</p>
<p>Some people’s portals just changed and mine is still the same. I’m soooo nervous. I really hope I get in ://</p>
<p>Major: Biological Sciences
SAT: 670/460/610 (Math/CR/Writing)
UW GPA: 3.95
W GPA: 4.3
Ethnicity: White
Tons of extracurriculars, like research, volunteering, etc.</p>
<p>I’m very stressed out. I was WL’d at SB but accepted to Davis. Irvine is my number 1 choice, and I would be very sad if I didn’t get in. It’s between Davis and Irvine for me right now, unless I magically get into UCLA or Cal (not happening lol).</p>
<p>GPA: 3.5
SAT: 2100
ACT: 34
Average ECs</p>
<p>Ethnicity: Hispanic
Gender: Male
Major: Drama</p>
<p>GPA: 3.92 or so UC GPA
ACT: 30
Decent EC’s, nothing spectacular</p>
<p>Ethnicity: Didn’t say
Gender: Female
Major: Biomedical Engineering</p>
<p>I really want to get in here. I was waitlisted at Davis, and since I still haven’t heard (checked about 5 minutes ago) from Irvine I’m freaking out a bit</p>
<p>UC GPA: 3.75 ( would’ve been 3.85 if i didn’t get b’s in my community college summer courses :[)
SAT 1: 2190. 690 R, 740 M, 760 W
SATII: Chem (800), MathII (790), Korean (640, lol)</p>
<p>Major: Civil Engineering, Alt: Env. Engineering, although i don’t particularly want to do this
Decent Essays, Pretty good EC’s</p>
<p>Chance me? I’ve been rejected from Davis and San Diego, surprised and sad by both, but got into Santa Barbara</p>
<p>Gpa: 3.7
Act: 32
Math 2: 800</p>
<p>Accepted: Cornell university, hofstra, cal poly slo, university of Washington Seattle</p>
<p>Rejected: ucsd, wash u st Louis,</p>
<p>So I’m good enough for Cornell but not ucsd or irvine. Whateves. Shouldn’t have applied to business admin. 3% acceptance rate</p>
<p>UC GAP: 4.0
SAT: 2120
ACT: 30
ok ec’s and essays
applied for Computer Science major</p>
<p>Accepted to UCSC, UCSB, SDSU, denied at UCSD</p>
<p>Sooo nervous.
I was shocked when I found out I was waitlisted to both UCD and UCSB. Davis was supposed to be my target, and SB my safety. 
Major: biological sciences
Alternative major: ecology and evolutionary biology
ACT: 32
UC GPA: 3.8 capped 
Good ECs: quite a few leadership positions and dedication to sports
Essays: good. Nothing special though.</p>
<p>■■■ still nothing i give up…</p>
<p>They just recently changed my admission status to accepted.
Biological Sciences
1890 SAT
4.3 UC GPA (11 AP courses)</p>