Posted this on financial aid forum, but I would like to get additional suggestions...

<p>I have decided that after getting some work experience that I will be pursuing a second bachelor's degree. I am just about to earn a bachelor's degree in biology, and I would like to switch to something that maybe I can have some more passion for. However, I will probably need to get some kind of financial aid in order to pursue this. I would like to pursue something in the engineering field, and I would like to bring my biology degree in as a factor as well in order to help me get some financial aid.</p>

<p>I would need to take more undergraduate courses first in order to meet the prerequisities for a graduate degree, almost to the point of getting another bachelor's degree. Since I already have a degree, I would not qualify for FAFSA, and I do not qualify for many of the scholarships offered by the engineering school at my college. I have heard that you can get fellowships, and in fact some people at the engineering school have these that pay for all of their expenses. My college is just not really helpful with locating these. Where can I find fellowships and other financial aid for people in my situation?</p>

<p>And you are not getting a graduate degree because...?</p>

<p>I am not able to get a graduate degree in engineering because there are undergraduate prerequisites which I don't have. I need to take a few of those (actually quite a few) in order to start pursuing a graduate degree in engineering. I would enter a graduate program when I start back if I could.</p>

<p>And you need an engineering degree to do what?</p>

<p>Environmental engineering is what I had decided to pursue as something I could do with my bio degree that given my personality, I would probably be suited for, and the training for that is part of the engineering program. Of course, I would be open to other things as well to increase my job options, as well as getting paid more than with bio.</p>

<p>I was just looking at programs for graduate degrees in environmental engineering -- and there aren't that many! Here is a list of accredited programs:</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a>
(This link is not great - you have to re-enter the data.)</p>