<p>Makes sense. It’s easier to learn these things quicker when you really want to and it’s actually necessary to know them.</p>
<p>it’s nice to have a kind of a feeel for it,
like that’s the whole philosophy behind middle school,
if everyone just learned what they needed to learn when they needed to learn it school would start in college</p>
<p>So tired…</p>
<p>sleep .</p>
<p>i think i have insomnia. i need a solution guys…its senior year and i still can’t figure out why I don’t get any sleep.</p>
<p>^<em>^ v</em>v, how to you get around posting without ten characters?</p>
<p>type whatever you want, hold the spacebar for a few seconds, and then type a period. just like</p>
<p>this .</p>
<p>omg she’s magic</p>
<p>??? where’s the text omg wft???</p>
<p>You highlight it and it magically appears:)</p>
<p>Also, I think that he is a guy lol</p>
<p>I somehow got used to the new color scheme so this appeared as light gray on my screen</p>
<p>i wish they hadn’t done that</p>
<p>kewl pretty colors!!! :O</p>
<p>I’m really bored. I just woke up. </p>
<p>You just got up? What time is it there?</p>
<p>8:36 pm</p>
<p>I got 2 hours of sleep last night.</p>
<p>Wow, that’s a bummer:/ Hopefully you get more tonight.</p>
<p>need to wake up in the morning</p>