Postponed (becuase of typos?) & Freaking out....

<p>Last week I found out I was postponed by UW madison which came as somewhat of a shock, as I considered it one of my safety schools. But it's also my top choice! I applied to only 3 other schools, 2 of which I likely won't be admitted into, 1 of which Ive already been admitted to but hate. Anyway, Here are my stats: Act: 31 W: 3.97 UW: 4.63 (all As & one A- in honors classes), excellent extracurriculars (3years cross country, english tutor, hospital volunteer, exchange student club, ran a marathon, etc) and I imagine my letter of recommendation is outstanding! My unnoticed essay was fairly well written (about the training for marathon) and my Why UW? essay was somewhat generic (but definitely did have specific information). However, in my why uw essay I realized that I copied and pasted the wrong version of the essay (even though I read that version over 3x) which was exactly the same as the one I wanted to submit but had FIVE TYPOS!!!! I realized this after the fact and was devastated becuase they will think that I'm sloppy and don't care about going to the school BUT THIS IS NOT THE CASE AT ALL! I told a few close friends and they said they doubt they would reject an applicant like me for 5 silly typos (if they even saw them) but I'm not so sure...So do you think I was postponed because of the typos? What are my chances for getting accepted later? (I'm taking 2 APs and 3 honors classes & am doing well in all of them)</p>

<p>I think you’ll be fine. Just continue good grades, etc.</p>

<p>I think with your great stats, they are betting you will go to a higher reach school EA or ED. Typos didn’t help, but I think you’ll be accepted RD. Did they ask for S1 grades? If so, have your counselor let them know when s/he sends them that it’s your top choice. </p>

<p>I was confused by the part where you state that UW is a safety school, but also your first choice. That one had me squinting for minute there. And I also assume you have your weighted and unweighted gpa’s reversed? </p>

<p>But besides that, your stats are very impressive. You say that you had a good recommendation. Does that mean you only sent in one? That would not help. And the fact that you munged up one of your essays (5 typos is kind of a lot) added in can be the only reason I can think of as to why you were postponed. </p>

<p>Don’t worry, though. If you keep your grades where they are, you’ll get that acceptance. Also see if you can have another rec letter sent in before the next review.</p>

<p>Just curious: what was the school you were accepted to but hate?</p>

<p>@laurennn9 Are you a Wisconsin resident? Are you full pay?</p>

<p>UW is a safety for me, but for some reason I can’t imagine going anywhere else so it is one of my top choices haha! And yes, I accidently switched unweighted and weighted GPAs. I only sent in one receommendation and likely won’t send in any more (I don’t want to have to contact teachers from last year and ask for last-minute recommendations). The school I got accepted to is Loyola University of Chicago, and I don’t hate it–I just really don’t want to go there for a number of personal reasons (i.e. proximity to my home). </p>

<p>I’m out of state and full pay!</p>

<p>@laurennn9 what day did you find out?</p>

<p>@Hereford15‌ December 22</p>

<p>But if contacting a teacher for a recommendation would make the difference between attending Loyola and UW - would you do it?</p>

<p>@Madison85 Of course I would! But I honestly think that the recommendation I sent in is the strongest one I’m going to get & another one would say very similar things, so it wouldn’t be much help. From what I’ve researched, it seems like 1st semester grades could help me the most so I’m going to try to focus on doing the best I can in the next few weeks! :)</p>

<p>Sounds like your stats et al put you in huge middle group that needs to wait to find out their fate. </p>

<p>Obviously this is not a safety school for you if you’re getting postponed…</p>

<p>Current UW parent here – your stats, OOS, should be enough for acceptance though it could be a long spring wait. Send your 1st semester grades promptly when that option appears, and I would think another rec makes sense. Plus, I would think it wouldn’t hurt to email your UW admissions counselor directly with the corrected essay – nothing panicked or freaked out, just a “I realized that I uploaded the non-final version and am attaching the corrected essay for your files.” At this point, your goal is to show UW that you will attend if admitted. </p>

<p>We know a number of kids at Loyola who – despite being 60 minutes from home – love the city college experience. It is a very good option if other things don’t work out. For what it is worth, I went to college 15 minutes away from my high school and never saw anyone or went home until Tgiving break. It does not need to feel suffocating. </p>

<p>Hang in there, it is a long application season. </p>