
Hi! Back in December I was postponed, but I am still really hoping to get into Madison. My question would be what postponed students did in the past to get accepted. Secondly, what are my chances of getting in if: 25 ACT, 3.85 GPA unweighted with plenty of college classes, moderate extra curriculars including NHS and basketball captain, and lastly great-grandparent alumni. Another area of concern for me would be that I applied “undecided” and chose “unknown” for school area of interest. Does this hurt my chances, and should I notify the admissions office of preference in one particular area? Thanks!

Any choice of major is irrelevant for admission. You got put in that large pool of applicants waiting to see who also applies by the deadline. They need to reserve enough spots for those applications that come in by then. It is likely there will be students who did not get in early decision to their dream school who now apply (and those who finally get around to it).