Potential 2017 Fall Transfer, please chance me !

Hi guys I was just wondering if you could give me my chances of transferring into UW madison as a sophomore in the fall of 2017! I am a resident of Wisconsin and currently attend UW - La Crosse.

My HS GPA: 3.3
College GPA: 3.2-3.3
Lots of volunteer work
Certified EMT
In 3 clubs
Currently have taken 15 credits from fall semester, by end of spring semester I will have 31.
2 Strong letters of recommendations along with essays

I’m in the same boat as you! I would hope that you have a good chance because I basically have the same stats as you. Im from UW-Whitewater
HS GPA: 3.2
College GPA: 3.5
In 4 clubs with volunteering
17 credits completed and by the end of spring ill have 35
2 letters of recommendation from Math professor and Geography Professor
I’m applying as a Geography Major with Environmental Sciences as my second choice.
What major are you applying as?

Also a transfer applicant for fall 2017. I e-mailed their admission office and they said the average transfer gpa is a 3.3-3.8 so they gave me a pretty big range. They wouldn’t specify which ones came from out of state colleges and which ones came from the UW system. I’m assuming they accept more students from the UW system than they do from out of state colleges like me:(. I feel extremely confident getting in though as I am a student at the University of Arizona who got a 3.8 gpa this semester and a 3.4 in high school. I’m also in many clubs and hold a couple of leadership positions around campus. This is just a gauge though so we will see where this goes. They also said they look for diversity and leadership as well as your potential to contribute to the Wisconsin community.

Nice man I’m from Whitewater too.
HS GPA: 3.4
College GPA: 3.94
ACT: 24
Eagle scout and volunteering through Boy scouts and other various volunteering in college.
1 letter of recommendation from English professor.
Im looking to major in Accounting?
Does anyone know what kind of stats Madison looks for for transfer students?