<p>i'm for the purchasing power......................so that i can hire professional assassins to kill the two bitter judges who gave me low scores on my music audition and all the guys i hated..........</p>
<p>you shouldn;t do it for the women tho. if you want hot girls, go to Arizona State university and you can have sex with drunk hot babes all the time.</p>
<p>i was joking about the killing people part.........;) or am I? :)</p>
<p>I love the competition and seeing economy in action.</p>
<p>Also, I love the difficulty and necessity for intellectual prowess to survive. As someone said, it doesn't require years and years of schooling before you can jump into the thick of it.</p>
<p>You also have more power to decide what direction you want to go instead of being caged into your specialization.</p>
<p>You can also work for yourself, having your own direction, setting your own goals and decisions instead of following, most likely, what others want you to do (doctors in hospitals, lawyers in law firms).</p>
<p>The world is your playground to expand to where you will.</p>
<p>I'm somewhat more the entrepreneurship type than the investment banking type, though I'm sure that'd be interesting to do for a little while.</p>