Practice Exam next Saturday/Sunday?

With the June ACT coming up and all, I am sure that we are all stressed to see how we will do.

I came up with a brilliant idea and hopefully many others would love to participate in it.

I was thinking that next Saturday or Sunday we should take an ACT practice exam that we have never seen or taken before and we would treat it as a full-pledged exam, taking it at 8 AM, following the rules as strictly as possible, and then NOT grading the test until like 5-6 hours later (so you can feel that anxiety ahead of time).

What do you guys think? What day would work for most of you? Regardless of whether this gets popular or not, I will be doing this anyway. Hopefully, though, others will like the idea just as much as myself.

I have to get up early on Saturdays to take care of my dog, so I really don’t mind doing this. Will June be your first time taking the ACT? This will be my second time taking it.

@TheFutureDoc16 This will be my third time taking the test. I first took the test in September 2014, then exactly 1 year ago at June 2015, and now I will be taking it for June 2016. My scores for the last two tests were a 22 and a 30, respectively.

You jumped 8 points? That’s amazing

@Roxbury_resident Thanks, I feel like it was mainly just a strategy/timing improvement along with a bit of content. I am aiming for a 35/36 now and hopefully this will be my last time taking the damn test hehe.

@Deferno54 That is an amazing score jump! Congratulations! My first test I scored 23, I’m trying to get my score up to a 27. So far all my practice tests are around 26…so close.

If you need help finding real ACTs that you haven’t taken yet, then there is a new red book (Real ACT Prep Guide 2016-2017) that was just published yesterday, with 3 tests in the updated format, including the updated Writing (essay) portion. Unfortunately the questions do overlap somewhat with the questions in the Real ACT Prep Guide, 3rd edition, but it’s very helpful for accessing the new Essay questions, Dual Passage practice on the Reading, etc.

It’s also available as an instant digital download via the Kindle store.

That sounds like a good idea. I plan on waking up early on the 4th so I can take a full test (w/writing). I am really aiming for a perfect this time since I got a 35 previously. For me the science and writing are hardest.

I took practice test 2:

C: 31.25
E: 34
M: 32
R: 34
S: 25

I usually don’t score that low on science so hopefully I’ll do better next week and get the 33 I’m aiming for.

@Roxbury_resident I took another test from some website online and got done a little bit ago… I scored WAY lower than I expected … 31 (for scale so I don’t sound insulting, I have been studying for the entire year to get a 36).

M:35 (stupid 1 mistake)

I pray that this isn’t how I do on the real test on June.

What schools are you looking at?

@Deferno54 Missing one on math is still a 36

I took the practice today

English 34
Math 36
Reading 35
Science 34
Comp: 35

Honestly the science is definitely the hardest section on the whole exam

Uggh I forgot to do this. I’ll try to take a test later.

@java23 Hey I realize that this is an extremely late reply, but I ended up scoring a 32 on the June ACT, which was well below my expectation and over the summer I ended up taking a huge break instead of studying (big mistake; could’ve gotten ACT over with to focus on SAT – reasoning for which not really relevant to this post)

I am taking the test this December, February, and possibly April depending on scores; hoping to get a 36 this time around.

I was wondering what test you took when you got the composite 35 and how you did on the actual test. What did you do to best prepare yourself for the test?