Pre-College Experiences + Deferring Vet School Admission

<p>Hello, I have two very big questions:</p>

<p>I understand that most veterinary colleges require a certain amount of experience working with a veterinarian or in a veterinary setting. I was curious to know if experience prior to college would "count" in vet school admissions. During the summer of my Junior and Senior year of high school I worked at a local small animal veterinary clinic and performed a number of duties from cleaning cages to running blood work and using laboratory equipment. I'm sure I could inquire about the exact number of hours through my supervisor.</p>

<p>Also, do vet schools allow you to defer admission for a year or more? I was discussing with my boyfriend about my future and he brought up the expense of vet school and the hassles of moving and adjusting to a new environment (since it will 100% likely be out of state) and that I may want to wait a while to work, save up money, and gain more veterinary/animal experience opportunities now that by that time I will have a bachelors degree. Is this recommended or has anyone done this?</p>