Pre-CS then CS?

<p>Is the undergrad CS program good there considering it’s Pre-CS(1 year)+CS(3 years)?
Wouldn’t just be better if I do a continuous 4 year course in CS or does the Pre-CS really have some value?
Also I noticed that UA does not offer a combined BS+MS for 5 years.Is that true?</p>

<p>Thank you…</p>

<p>The Pre-CS is nothing special, just math and basic programming. I’d bet a dollar that everyone who at least passes the low level stuff gets to major. Your choice, but I’d pretend like you’re majoring in CS the whole time.</p>

<p>For the BS+MS, I don’t know but <a href=“”></a> would :slight_smile: Personal opinion though, a masters holds not much value in practical fields like CS and Engr where experience is king.</p>