Pre Med Class Advice

<p>Looking for advice. My d is a freshmen chem engineering major who is looking to go to med school. She tested out of the entry bio classes with AP credits. She was speaking with a Pre Med Advisor and it was suggested that she should take the entry bio classes rather than move on. Does anyone have any experience with this? D is just a little frustrated that she spent all of this time doing the AP classes, paying for exams, etc. and will need to take the classes again.</p>

<p>Thanks in advance.</p>

<p>John, if there are any particular medical schools she’s interested in, you may want to check out their website. For instance, your instate med school, or if your state doesn’t have one, one that might have reciprocity. They should have info on their website as to admission requirements and whether or not they accept AP credit for courses. Some colleges do not, while others may. </p>

<p>I wonder, if UA accepts the credit for Bio I and II, could she perhaps take the upper level bio classes she may need as pre med requirements, and perhaps retake freshman bio at a later date?</p>

<p>Glad there is a specific pre med advisor she can talk to, but it wouldn’t hurt to talk to admissions at a prospective med school, even at this early a date.</p>

<p>My younger son is pre-med and a Chem E major.</p>

<p>He didn’t retake his bio classes that he got AP credit for. </p>

<p>However, I believe that med schools want you to take the “next higher” classes. What I understand is that med schools do NOT want the last time you took bio classes was in high school.</p>

<p>So, son has taken Cell Biology, and other bio classes. At a minimum, he’ll have a minor in Bio and may end up with a double major.</p>

<p>If your D feels that she got a good bio education is high school, there’s no reason to retake. Just take some higher level bio classes.</p>

<p>As you can see, med schools only require the 2 classes that your D got AP credit for, but again, they don’t like to see that they were taken in high school. So, take higher level classes. </p>

<p>Courses Hours
BSC 114:115 or BSC 118 4
BSC 116:117 or BSC 120 4
CH 101 or CH 117 4
CH 102 or CH 118 4
CH 231 3
CH 232 3
CH 237 2
PH 101, PH 105, or PH 125 4
PH 102, PH 106, or PH 126 4
MATH 125 or MATH 145 4</p>

<p>[2011</a> Applicants at The University of Alabama Health Professions Advising Website](<a href=“]2011”></p>

<p>BTW…the ChemE major requires a Bio elective anyway, so one of the extra classes can be that elective.</p>

<p>Yeah, as m2ck said, med schools don’t care what you took in high school…they require 1 year of biology and two years of chemistry. I would recommend taking Cell Biology and Biochemistry (from the chemistry dept). The instructors place a lot of emphasis on MCAT preparation in the course material.</p>

<p>Great tip, feenotype. A course that includes MCAT prep is a big plus. Good luck!</p>

<p>Thank you all so much for the excellent advice. This is exactly what we were looking to know!!! :-)</p>

<p>If your D is interested in pre med I hope she looks into AED. Alpha Epsilon Delta…</p>

<p>My D is thrilled with the chapter at Alabama and thinks they offer many opportunities as far as MCAT preparation and shadowing. D shadowed as a freshman and is planning on doing their free MCAT test prep this spring.</p>

<p>What kind of prep do they do? Is it like a Kaplan course? If so, that’s saving some big bucks!</p>

<p>Sounds like they meet weekly, and current upperclass students/AED members who have already successfully taken the MCATs are leaders. Everyone purchases the same workbook and review together.</p>

<p>I thought this was an excellent starting point for D. She will be able to take the class, do a few practice tests and decide if she feels comfortable enough to sit for the MCAT next fall. She has always tested well on standardized tests. She has already bookmarked a couple of schools and knows their “magic numbers” as far as admittance.</p>

<p>According to m2ks list above D will have had all classes but one finished by Spring semester. That may also be a deciding factor!</p>


<p>Is your D a second year or third year at Bama?</p>

<p>Thanks for the note Omama. D has been to a couple of the AED meetings and is interviewing tomorrow for a Shadow spot (fingers crossed!). She can’t attend tonight’s meeting due to a conflict but the next few she should be good to go. :)</p>

<p>The Kaplan/Princeton Review workbooks aren’t cheap either, but it would certainly save a bit of money than having to go to a Kaplan course and paying for tutoring on top of the books.</p>

<p>D is a second year student. I also checked from the m2k list and she should have all her classes (on the list) done by this spring.</p>

<p>We have a family in our town that we go to for med school advice. They currently have two in their second year of med school and one currently applying. So we bounce questions off of them. Their last child just entered Ohio State and would imagine will end up in Med School as well.</p>


<p>Last year D got to shadow at the Health Center on campus. (Not the Student Health Center).</p>

<p>The experience was great. The Doctors at the center seemed interested in the students that were shadowing. It really was just a great start on the Pre Med path.</p>

<p>AED also helps prep members for their interviews.</p>