Pre-med classes?

Hello! I am attending University fo Rochester in the Fall of 2016! I am considering majoring in Psychology and from there going on to Medical School. I was just wondering how challenging are the science and math classes at UR if I want to take a pre-Med track? Any input would be greatly appreciated!!

From what I’ve heard, the science and math courses at UR are appropriately difficult—not easy but “do-able” and filled with students who are bright and work hard. There are several different series in calc, bio, and physics, so you should be able to find courses that would fit your needs. I will say that even though D had taken a number of AP science courses in HS and did well on the exams, she found her science courses at UR this year challenging.

I agree with EllieMom. D2 was a pre-med (and is now in med school). She found UR’s science courses challenging, but not impossible. D2 also had taken AP classes in all the sciences, plus AP and post-AP classes in math. Many of your fellow pre-meds will have also taken AP science classes. This means there will be plenty of competition for A’s in your pre-req classes. Expect to see a significant number of pre-meds drop off the med school path each semester. (This is called weeding and it happens everywhere.)

The good thing, though, is that UR students are generally cooperative bunch. There isn’t a lot of spiteful, throat-cutting type of behavior. There are lots of informal study groups and some pretty good academic resources like free tutoring and easily accessible TAs and office hours.

One thing to remember is that while there are several different levels of bio offered at UR, as a pre-med you need to take the bio class that a bio major would normally take. This mean either BIO110 or BIO112. You will also need to take calculus-based physics. (UR requires its pre-meds to take PHYS 113-114.)

Medical schools require that all applicants take the science classes that fulfill graduation requirements for science majors regardless of their intended undergrad major.

I’ll just add my “third” to what others have said. Bright students tend to like challenges and deeper courses are needed for those opting for research positions (which is the majority of students at URoc).

No regrets at all from my guy who has just finished his senior year, but will be staying an extra since he has been accepted into Take Five. Pending what dorm/floor you get, he could be one of your RAs next year. His minions the past three years have loved him.