Pre-med for US med schools and AP credit at McGill

Hi everyone, D1 is a US student admitted to engineering. She loves what she has learned so far about the school , the people, the city and culture.
However, premed might be a consideration for her. I read in older threads that McGill does not allow a student with AP credit, say in Chemistry, to retake the general chemistry course, which is a requirement for US med schools. Does anyone know if this has changed? If not, what should the student do? It seems to me that students at US colleges are either re-taking the introductory course or go on and take the more advanced course in the sequence. However, is this doable at McGill? Especially if the student is not in the Faculty of Sciences, it would mean taking a course in a different Faculty +/- outside her major, which I am not sure is easy to do. We will try to call and ask, but I know other posters (@ENsMom) have encountered this issue in the past.