<li><p>How much work is orgo chem/co-requisite orgo lab (6 credits in total) compared to gen. bio or gen. chem?</p></li>
<li><p>How much work is gen physics?</p></li>
<li><p>Do medical schools even need you to take calc in college if you have the credits for Calc BC?</p></li>
<li><p>orgo definitely involves more work than gen chem. It's not necessarily harder, but just a different type of learning. In general chem you can memorize certain principles and do well, there are also some grades besides exams to bring your grade up if one of your exam scores is a little soft. The key to orgo is understanding how things interact, and it's a lot of material, so you have to keep on top of things. Orgo lab is not that bad, most of the grade is determined in the last 3 weeks of the course. The practicals are intimidating, most of your grade is based on your yeild and purity from two different experiments. Just be careful and come in prepared and you should be ok.</p></li>
<li><p>It totally varies, some people can think mathematically, others have trouble. If you know that you're someone that has a hard time thinking that way, then plan to spend a little more time on it. I found physics challenging, but very managable. I know others that breezed through it, and yet others that had a really hard time with it. So, if you recognize this as an area of weakness, just get help early on and things should be good...if you're already strong in that area, you should be fine.</p></li>
<li><p>Only some medschools require calc...so if there's a certain school you're looking at, then look up their policy, but if you're not set on a particular school, you don't need to worry about it. That said, I'm in biological engineering, so I needed two semesters of calc, diferential eqns, and linear algebra. If you find calc interesting, go for it and take the class....med schools probably won't care if you don't take calc, but they will care if they think you're taking loads of easy classes to pad your GPA, so choose your classes based on your interest and ability and that should be fine.</p></li>
<p>hope this helps.</p>
<p>Orgo is 8 credits in total.</p>
<p>StPlayrXtreme : Thank you for the informative reply; it helped immensely.
fudgemaster : oops. i meant 6 creds in fall semester</p>
<p>The trouble with my schedule, is that I am having qualms fitting mandarin 201 into my freshman/soph year. I'm planning to do the cognitive studies minor.</p>
<p>Seeing how calc is not needed - </p>
<p>Freshman fall and spring:</p>
<p>FWS | FWS
Bio | Bio
Chem | Chem
Cogst101 | errrr something else</p>
<p>Orgo | Orgo
Orgo Lab | Phy
Phy | BioNB222
BioNB 221 </p>
<p>A lot recommend I do not take mandarin in freshman year as the workload would be too much. Since mandarin 201 is only offered in fall, wouldn't my sophomore year be even worse then? I can't find a way out of this..</p>
<p>I think it's a good idea to take at least one math in college even if you have the math credit. You probably need to take a language as well. One more thing is that orgo lab is only 2 credits. Students normally take fws, bio, chem, math and maybe a language during the first year.</p>