Pre- Med Schools

Hi! I am not sure where to post this so if there a better place please let me know.

I am in 11th grade right now and I want to apply to a pre-med school. I have read all the “top pre-med school” posts on Google from Harvard to Brown, however, I was wondering if there are any really good pre-med schools that aren’t as hard as Harvard to get into but still very respected and that offer a scholarship. If this question was already answered somewhere else please comment with the link to the post. Thank You so Much! I am getting stressed about different schools to start looking at because other than the good schools in Texas (my hometown) and the most popular ones (like John Hopkins and Cornell) I do not know what is respected and is good. I am sure many aspiring pre-med students like me have done research in their state so it would be amazing if you guys would share. Thank You!