<p>Sorry for the long post, but I wanted to explain the situation as fully as possible. </p>
<p>I have a 15 year old brother who is a sophomore in High School (he has fall birthday and started school earlier than usual). I promised my mom to find out about schools which will offer decent aid to a him.</p>
<p>Here is a little background.</p>
<p>My brother has a very high GPA (almost 4.0 unweighted). He is taking a full class load at his HS, including 2 AP classes this year as well as Calculus class through state flagship (through special program offered to selected high-schoolers). </p>
<p>He also does all the right stuff outside of school: EC and Volunteering.</p>
<p>As a sophomore he took PSAT (according to him, he was forced to by his GC) and got 218. If he gets this score next year as a junior, then he has a decent chance of becoming NMSF because we live in MN.</p>
<p>My parents are 60 (mom) and 65 (dad) years old and will have to continue to work for at least 5 more years so that my mom could get maximum SS. They have to do it, because we moved to US 18 years ago with nothing and they had to start all over again.</p>
<p>My mom makes a little less then 50K and my dad makes around 70k depending on the year (because of overtime and shift differential it varies). My mom started to make more than 40K only 5 years ago, before that she was making 20k-35K (she was steadily rising through the ranks). My dad has been making his salary for the last 15 years (while his base pay increased, the overtime decreased). Prior to that he was delivering pizza and working for $6 per hour at a factory.</p>
<p>Because my parents had to start over 18 years ago, most of their money they put aside go to 401K and IRA. They have very small regular savings, which they usually use for large house repairs (like drive-way, etc.). </p>
<p>I talked to my mom and she said that they can pay around 15K per year for my brother's college without jeopardizing their retirement goals. 15K plus Stafford and my brother's expected part-time earnings will be enough to cover state flagship and reciprocity school in WI. If he gets any merit then he will reduce borrowing.</p>
<p>However, the situation at home is really bad and my brother needs to get away as far as possible. If he stays in MN, he will have to stay with my parents and he simply cannot because of his relationship with our father. Given the way WI and MN give out merit aid, it is most likely that our father will make him go to MN, because he is highly likely to receive merit from MN.</p>
<p>As a side note, I know that often on CC we give students hard time about wanting to get away. In my brother's situation, even my mom agrees that it will be better for everyone that he moves out of state. There is no physical abuse involved, but my father is just unbearable to live with - neither my sister nor I speak to him anymore - this is how bad the situation is. That being said, my brother does have 2 good local choices if nothing else pans out.</p>
<p>Because of my parents current earnings, my brother will not get need-based aid unless he gets accepted to HYPs. Even though he has the stats, he will not be accepted to HYPs as there is nothing special about him. He does not have a passion for anything other than parkor and anime, he does not even know what exactly he wants to study.</p>
<p>I am a big fan of LACs. I wish I could afford Harvey Mud when my son goes to college (and I wish he would get accepted there :)). I think my brother will be a good fit for LAC known for good science curriculum. What I am looking for are pointers to well-respected colleges that give merit aid or do preferential packaging (like NYU or BU) for kids with stats like my brother's. The aid does not have to be guaranteed - he will be applying to UofM and UofWi, so he will be all set if everything else falls through. </p>
<p>Thanks for all your help.</p>