Pregnant - Appeal?

<p>A friend of mine recently got his girlfriend pregnant. She’s going to UC Davis. They’ve been in a serious relationship for about a year, and rather than being upset that all the precautions they’ve taken failed (birth control, condoms), he is ecstatic to meet his future daughter/son and be a father. He is worried about the financial difficulties, but his family makes about 100k+ annually, so he thinks he will be able to have support from them. </p>

<p>However, he was rejected to Davis, and really wants to go there to a) be with his girlfriend/future-wife and future-offspring and also b) it was his #1 top choice and he is devastated to have been rejected. Would that be grounds for him to appeal to Davis? He was also the one I wrote about earlier, whose grandmother died last November. Also, would they want documentation or proof? </p>

<p>He is not sure how he feels about exploiting his future son/daughter just to get into his #1 school and to be with them, but he has asked me for my opinion and I honestly think he should go for it. </p>

<p>What do you guys think?</p>

<p>I definitely do not think he should mention A as that would mean he would have to juggle around with being a father and student which is supremely difficult. However, I hear Cal State systems are more welcoming to these kinds of things as in they offer more night classes and online courses than University of California does. If the appeal fails, I highly suggest that he look into Sacramento State.</p>

<p>isnt the appeal due like april 15th? i cant access it bc im not an applying student for 09.</p>

<p>if he wants to appeal he should get his rear in gear and do it already. itz not going to hurt him in any way, so you should stop asking if it would work or not and just write it if he really wants to go, idky he hasnt already.</p>