<p>On the June ACT, my scores were</p>
<p>I was a freshman, so I can improve. As you can see, I struggled the most in reading, so I was wondering if there is any book out there that can enhance my speed reading and comprehension. There's a book in Amazon called Increase Your Score In 3 Minutes A Day: ACT Reading. I don't know if it's worth it. What do you guys think? I average about 4 minutes on a reading passage, hoping to get it to 3 minutes.</p>
<p>I personally don’t struggle with ACT reading (science, on the other hand, is another story…), but I can tell you what helped my boyfriend jump about 6 points in that section.</p>
<li>buy a book targeted at reading specifically, if that’s the only one you want to work on. Don’t focus on the “tips and tricks” as much, they’re nice but not overly helpful. The most important thing is to take timed practice tests. Start by giving yourself a little extra time on the passage (to determine whether it’s a time issue). If you do better with extra time, take practice tests religiously, timing yourself until you’re able to get the same amount of questions right with any amount of time as you do in a timed situation. Go over the ones you get wrong, and try to understand why. Additionally, just read more in your everyday life. When you’re just sitting at home, pick up a newspaper, book, anything you can.</li>
<p>The first time I took the ACT I got a verry low score on reading… A score that I’m not to proud to talk about: 16
However! The fact that I did so bad encouraged me to raise that score! Who are they to tell me that my reading skills aren’t ready for college *****? So, I started actually READING books. I focused on reading quicker while still retaining what I read. I actually read the books assigned in class, and tries to entertain myself even if it was the most boring of reading. On this past June ACT I’m now proud to say that I got a 27 on reading!
You can do the math to see that that was an 11! I’ll repeat, 11!!! Point increase! Now, I realize that’s not near as good as alot of people, but it was a big deal for me! I overcame that obstacle. Really, just work at your reading skills, it’ll go up!</p>
<p>That is awesome KappaTau. Congratulations! My reading score went up 2 points from April to June, but I am hoping for a lot more in September. </p>
<p>I read books, not a whole lot, but I do read books. My problem is trying to find a check to make sure I am interpreting the tone and characters correctly.</p>
<p>Thanks for all the suggestions. I’m going to start reading more now and hopefully raise my reading score. I just have a hard time comprehending what I read for the first time. The questions will help understand the passage more, but I also need to reread the text several times to be able to answer the questions. This will surely put me at a disadvantage for the time.</p>
<p>And that’s inspirational, KappaTau. Very impressive.</p>