preparation for dorm room

<p>Hi! I am an international student and will live in witte hall. I don't know what things do I need to take to the dorm. My future roomate has prepared a tv, dvd player and a microwave. What else do we need to take to the dorm? Thanks a lot!</p>

<p>My recommendations in addition to those things would be a futon, fan(s), and perhaps an area rug. Also some decor for the walls is always nice to make the room comfortable.</p>

<p>I second a fan or two. It gets pretty warm the first few month or so of school, and there’s no AC.</p>

<p>Read the suggestions on the housing website. There is also a list on the CC Parents forum to give you ideas. You may want to purchase things in the US. I believe they sponsor a trip to Target??? a department store. Get a fan- here? You need to pay attention to the electric power cord- ours differs from other parts of the world. Do feel free to ask questions on the UW international students site- they will know a lot more about where you are coming from etc.</p>

<p>Thanks for your help!</p>