<p>So yeah, I have no life, and I will spend my remaining time of high school year maintaining grades and studying a bunch of random stuff. The random stuff will be teaching myself some languages, getting back more into guitar and piano, and studying subjects for college ahead of time so that I can get a 4.0 GPA, lol.</p>
<p>For a chemical engineering major, what do you think I should be studying besides chemistry and physics? I'm currently self studying AP Physics C, but I have no idea what to do now for chemistry besides going over materials in AP Chemistry since I was done with it a long ago. Suggestions? I'll need to know what to do, I can't gamble any chances really.</p>
<p>Oh, and dating's on the list, but not anywhere near the top, so don't worry too much about it.</p>
<p>Oh, and if this part of the forum is not the right place, please tell me.</p>
<p>have some god damned fun, have you gotten into college yet? If you have then enjoy yourself. Don’t get straight Ds but don’t fret so much about grades. This is the last time of your life where you really have no responsibilities. </p>
<p>Spoilers: you’re probably not getting a 4.0GPA your first semester. Very few people do.</p>
<p>“have some god damned fun, have you gotten into college yet? If you have then enjoy yourself. Don’t get straight Ds but don’t fret so much about grades. This is the last time of your life where you really have no responsibilities.”</p>
<p>I did already, but I’ve always found it better for myself to worry now than later.</p>
<p>"Spoilers: you’re probably not getting a 4.0GPA your first semester. Very few people do. '</p>
<p>I see. But as a person who has transfer to a better school as a possible future option, I can’t afford to risk it.</p>
<p>I mean go for it, I’m just saying if you don’t get a 4.0 don’t beat yourself up over it.</p>
<p>Congrats on getting in btw, mind saying where?</p>
<p>“I mean go for it, I’m just saying if you don’t get a 4.0 don’t beat yourself up over it.”</p>
<p>It’s not like I’m going to get super depressed or anything; I’ll be fine. But I will try to do it though.</p>
<p>“Congrats on getting in btw, mind saying where?”</p>
<p>UPenn SEAS.</p>
<p>I don’t know what a SEAS is, but nice!</p>
<p>Anyway yeah, study math for that chemical engineering major. If you’re not a skilled talker you might want to take speech classes, or maybe even a minor in Communications. Also become a good writer. Anyone with a good brain can be trained to solve equations and such; but those who can also convey those ideas effectively to people without that knowledge (in this case, knowledge of chemical engineering) are a head above the rest.</p>