Pressure to be thin?

<p>My daughter is a tall (6 feet) young woman who is well proportioned for her height but not bone thin. She has a great body image and embraces her curves, but I'm a little worried that if she goes to UM and is surrounded by slim girls, she might start to lose that confidence. Is this campus the home of beautiful people who make appearance a priority? I don't mean to imply that people at UM are supercificial, but we come from a colder climate where bodies aren't so much on display.</p>

<p>Being a betting man I would say most likely. I would say 5’10 max, and being 6’2 thats still pushing it</p>

<p>I don’t think she’s talking about the height Dawgs215, she’s talking about the weight…</p>

<p>I have been looking into UM and have visited twice. UM has a bit of a reputation for being some-what superficial. That being said, UM is very diverse. You have shallow guys and girls, and you also have a lot of other kinds of people. It’s all about who your daughter surrounds herself with. If she makes friends with nice people with common interests then she will be set. But to answer your original question generally I don’t think your daughter will feel too pressured to be thin. There might be occasions where she feels a little self-conscious, but don’t we all from time to time?</p>

<p>I’m a big guy and don’t feel any pressure to lose weight (except from my doctor, anyway :slight_smile: ).</p>

<p>I think there is a wide spectrum of girls here. From those who are bone thin, to those who are a bit muscular, to those who are quite chubby. I have friends in all three categories, and it doesn’t seem to me like they face any negative attitudes.</p>

<p>Being from Miami and now living in Canada I have to admit not only UM but people in Miami are generally more superficial. If your daughter has a good self esteem then she should have no problem. I didn’t go to UM I went to FIU the public university and people where very superficial there so I can only imagine that UM is the same, if not worse. Nonetheless, this is my personal opinion, which is all you will get here.</p>

<p>I live in Miami, am in high school, and my high school pretty much is a beach (not at the beach, but atmosphere wise), so there is a lot of skin on display. </p>

<p>We dont like bone skinny girls. In Miami, curves are very appreciated.</p>

<p>Also, Miami isn’t Beverly Hills. We seem to have gotten that reputation, but it is not the case. My school is very diverse, and you can find all kinds of people, just like UM. The guy that won the Senior Superlative for Best Hair is a guy who wears a turban because of his religion. Its all about embracing what you have.</p>

<p>Just my 2 cents</p>

<p>Thanks for the responses, dolphinfreak and everyone. I appreciate the feedback.</p>