Princeton 2013 RD 'Pledge to Report Your Decision'

<p>dfinch: </p>

<p>Maybe write down our guesses in a time capsule thingy in Word and look at them again on March 31?</p>

<p>EDIT: I think I’ll do that. Just to pass the time…</p>

<p>EDIT II: Nevermind, it’s way too depressing.</p>

<p>Member name: mmm.1033
Gender: M
State or Country: NJ
SAT (M:CR:W) or ACT: 770 M: 800 CR: 800 W
SAT II scores: 800 Math Level II: 800 Chemistry: 790 Spanish (Reading)
AP scores: 5 Calculus BC, 5 Chemistry, 5 English Language, 5 Physics C: Mechanics, 5 Spanish Language, 5 US History</p>

<p>Good luck, everyone!</p>

<p>Member name: southeasttitan
Gender: F
State or Country: MN
SAT (M:CR:W) or ACT: 620:780:780
SAT II scores: 780 Lit, 750 Spanish, 650 USH
AP scores: APUSH 5, AP Spanish 4</p>

<p>Member name: anissa
Gender: f
State or Country: NC, USA
SAT (M:CR:W) or ACT: 720:760:750
SAT II scores: French w/ listening:800, US history:720, Literature:690
AP scores: US Gov&Politics 5
(but I’m taking 6 more AP tests this year… I missed out on taking a ton in junior year since I was in France)</p>

<p>Member name: Perpetual211
Applied to CC or SEAS: CC
Gender: Female
State or Country: Illinois
SAT (M:CR:W) or ACT: 800, 750, 800 –> 2350
SAT II scores: 800, 800 ,790
AP scores: 5’s and some 4’s</p>

<p>Good luck everyone! We’ll know soon :)</p>

<p>Ah, someone else did the Columbia copy+paste, I see… =P</p>

<p>As junior, I want to thank all of you for doing this!</p>

<p>It will be very helpful for next year.</p>

<p>I’ll be sure to pay it forward when I’m applying.</p>

<p>10 more days!</p>

<p>Member name: xruan
Gender: Female
State or Country: GA
SAT (M:CR:W) or ACT: SAT 2280 (W: 720 R: 760 M: 800)
SAT II scores: Math 2: 800 Chem: 790 World Hist: 710 Lit: 710
AP scores: 5- Human Geo, World Hist, Euro, Chinese, Stat, Chem, 4- Eng lang, US Hist</p>

<p>Member name: kd5qdf
Gender: Male
State or Country: Texas
SAT (M:CR:W) or ACT: 2380 (800M, 780CR, 800 W)
SAT II scores: 800 Math Level 2, 800 US History, 800 Chemistry
AP scores: 5 AP Eng Lang, 5 US History, 5 Chemistry</p>

<p>does this thread exist for last year’s group? i can’t find it anywhere!</p>

<p>^ Nope. We started the “pledging” this year, so that we can hunt down CCers who fail to report their decision on March 31st. That way, the data won’t get messed up by voluntary response.</p>

<p>the idea of hunting down is pretty awful, haha! but since it’s so brutal, i don’t have ridiculously high expectations and will certainly be reporting, no matter the outcome.</p>

<p>hookem168, your name reminds me - i’m so sad the horns lost to duke last night…</p>

<p>I think results threads will still be skewed, since a lot of people who have higher stats are more willing to fess up to their result. (i.e. '2400 on the SAT and Dartmouth rejected me?! FAILLLLL!!!") Whereas people like me are a little more hesitant. :wink: Still, I hope everyone’ll share; it’s helpful for next year’s group!</p>

<p>Can you believe how many people on CC are applying?
The number seems really large to me.</p>

<p>Member name: rambleon09
Gender: F
State or Country: Virginia
SAT (M:CR:W) or ACT: 730/800/780 (2310/1530)
SAT II scores: 720 Bio E, 710 Lit, 750 USH, and the suicide inducing 590 on Math II that’s going to keep me out of every school in the country. (who said Asians are good at math??)
AP scores: 5 US Gov&Politics, 5 Psych, 5 Eng Lit, 4 Bio, 4 USH, with six more this year</p>

<p>Add me to the list.</p>

<p>Gender: M
State or Country: CT
SAT (M:CR:W) or ACT: 800/750/770 (2320)
SAT II scores: 800 Math IIC, 800 Chem, 770 Spanish w/ listening (I’m not hispanic)
AP scores: A royal ****ton of 5s and two fours, plus 4 more from senior year. All the hard ones. And a few self studied</p>

<p>why not?</p>

<p>Gender: MALE
State or Country: CA
SAT (M:CR:W) or ACT: 740:800:770 (2310), 35
SAT IIs: 790 Chem, 740 Math II, 680 World History
APs: 5 Chem, 4s USH, World History; Calc AB & English Literature this year</p>