<p>Number of Nobel Prize winners in economics affiliated with each school, whether as faculty, students, or staff:</p>
<p>1) UChicago - 26
2) MIT - 20
3) Harvard - 18
4) Berkeley - 17
5) Stanford - 16
6) Columbia - 14
7) Yale - 13
8) Princeton - 12
9) London School of Economics - 11
10) Cambridge / Oxford / Carnegie Mellon - 9</p>
<p>You mean the fake prize “in honor of Nobel” that the economics profession cooked up because they want to be thought of as a “hard science” even though they can’t predict anything correctly? Oh, yes…that one.</p>
<p>Eonomists don’t predict, they explain. Forecasters predict. And game theorists, labor economists, econometricians, trade theorists,… don’t do that stuff anyway.</p>
<p>Last I checked, literature is not a hard science.</p>