Princeton in the Nation's Service

<p>Since a significant portion of '09ers either post or lurk here, I figured I'd put a plug in for a worthwhile upcoming school- and community-wide project going on: Princeton in the Nation's Service. If you haven't checked out the link already, look at <a href=""&gt;;/a> for info about a new tradition many of the student- and community-based organizations are starting. It's all about service, something which Princetonians are dedicated to...or at least ought to be. There seems to be something to do for everyone, but if there isn't, you can create your own project. I definitely want to participate! Sept. 30th is when it all kicks off, so plan on it now :)</p>

<p>I think there was also a flyer in the Undergraduate Dean's package that we received along with the mousepad. Sounds great!</p>

<p>Yeah. Just spreading the love, though :)</p>

<p>I saw that, but I didn't quite understand what it actually was. Didn't Princetonians already do stuff like that???</p>

<p>Oh yeah. But this is a tradition both the campus and the community get started where on this one day a large group of students and community members go out and engage in service activities in the area and throughout the state. So it's basically taking what everyone already does and compacting it into a day or week or whatever (with the hopes that the service members will enjoy it and continue throughout the semester).</p>

<p>well its not a tradition since this is its first year</p>

<p>I'm going off of what it said on the website ;)</p>

<p>This is a "new tradition" (if there is such a thing) the current USG administration started. Mildly controversial, if only because the original plan was unworkable -- all student organizations would be required to participate (always guaranteed to annoy) and it was going to be one full day rather than a month (questionable societal impact). So now it's Princeton in the Nation's Service <em>Month</em> to allow for more sustained service, and it's voluntary, which is a fine idea... except that SVC (Student Volunteers Council) has been doing this sort of thing for years already. I do like the fact that it encourages individual/group initiative to develop creative new service projects... but that <em>also</em> tends to happen already (see the Wave Project for Tsunami Relief, Princeton Engineering Education for Kids). In that respect, I have mixed feelings... it seems a bit artificial, but it's really hard <em>not</em> to support a good service project. (In a way, I would have preferred the Day... less impact on society, but harder to ignore.)</p>