Princeton quietly increases aid

<p>Oh wow! </p>

<p>@debryc: That sounds great you know.... </p>

<p>Yes, the more I read about Princeton, the more great it seems :) Fingers crossed!!!!</p>

<p>We know that Princeton has increased their aid. Do you think that it will affect the amount shown on the FA estimator? Anyone happen to know? Will we see more aid if we are the middle class like H & Y are saying?</p>

<p>Given its overall FA budget, it is likely that Princeton will try to match any H & Y offers. H & Y have been a bit vague about exactly how they are going to calculate their FA awards. The exact offers won't be known until the spring and will vary a lot from one family to the next, depending on a lot of factors.</p>

<p>In an overall sense though, it is unlikely that many people are going to be choosing from among HYP based on money. Right now it looks like Yale's aid (grant per aid recipient) will be slightly better, but that could easily change because the "announced" FA budgets are not the same as the "actual" FA expenses. I don't think Harvard is going to let Yale or Princeton win on aid and vice versa.</p>

<p>Just like the Dem party nomination, the aid battle might be dragged out for many months.</p>