Princeton Review rankings are out

<p>some rankings for princeton:</p>

<h1>3 toughest to get into</h1>

<h1>2 best college library</h1>

<h1>1 students happy with financial aid</h1>

<h1>1 school runs like butter</h1>

<p>note that, with the exception of the toughest to get into category, the rankings are based entirely on students' perceptions of their own schools. so, for example, princeton's #1 ranking in the school runs like butter category really means only that the princeton students surveyed by PR folks - to a greater extent than the students surveyed by PR at any other college - thought their school runs/ran smoothly. here are the full rankings:</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Also listed (i.e. top 20) on: Most Politically Active, Best Quality of Life, Happiest Students, Most Beautiful Campus</p>

<p>care to share P's rankings in those categories, mea? (i don't want to register for just this one thing). thanks!</p>

<p>Sure! If any one's into Ivy League comparisons, I also listed other Ivies who made these lists:
Happiest Students - (Pton #16, Brown #3)
Most Politically Active (Pton #10, Harvard #7)
Best Quality of Life - (Pton # 9, Dartmouth #20)
Most Beautiful Campus (Pton #15)</p>

<p>The good news for the Ivy League in these rankings is that there were hardly any mentions in the 'worst' categories. None except: Duke at #5 and UPenn at #15 for strained relations with the surrounding community, Duke at #6 for Little Race/Class interaction.</p>

<p>Hehe, and Dartmouth made #15 for Lots of Beer. May be a good or bad thing to different people.</p>

<p>Stanford is #1 for happiest students.</p>


<p>the pr rankings are always like a tribute to liberal arts colleges. I think they used yale this year as their token university on the "best overall academic experience" list.</p>

<p>I like the new comments. They got really boring the past couple years</p>

<p>Yea. These rankings aren't reliable but at least they're fun.</p>

<p>can anyone list the most beautiful campuses for this year</p>

<p>Sure! :</p>

<p>Quality of Life: Most Beautiful Campus </p>

<p>Based on studentsÂ’ rating of campus beauty </p>

<p>1 Pepperdine University </p>

<p>2 Agnes Scott College </p>

<p>3 Sweet Briar College </p>

<p>4 College of the Atlantic </p>

<p>5 Mercer University-Macon </p>

<p>6 Flagler College </p>

<p>7 Rhodes College </p>

<p>8 Sewanee - The University of the South </p>

<p>9 Mount Holyoke College </p>

<p>10 Swarthmore College </p>

<p>11 Loyola Marymount University </p>

<p>12 Kenyon College </p>

<p>13 Wellesley College </p>

<p>14 Colgate University </p>

<p>15 Princeton University </p>

<p>16 St. Mary's College of Maryland </p>

<p>17 Scripps College </p>

<p>18 Washington and Lee University </p>

<p>19 Vassar College </p>

<p>20 University of Richmond</p>

<p>I don't see how I can trust any rankings that say that Berkeley's library system is not as good as BYU, Whitman, Oberlin, Illinois Wesleyan, Saint Olaf, Mount Holyoke, Auburn, Dickinson, and West Virginia. Just doesn't add up.</p>

<p>These rankings suck immensely, as it uses the consensus of a major body of students. If the students surveyed were in different moods or were one of the alma mater fanatics found on CC, then the Princeton Review rankings would fall out of line; and so they have, if not for that than for other reasons, because Dartmouth students didn't magically become unhappy, Princeton's architecture didn't undergo a makeover, and Harvard sucks, period.</p>

<p>Byerly is going to have a field day when he sees all these posts</p>

<p>pepperdines campus isnt that great...its just by the beach? does that really make it that beautiful lol.</p>

The good news for the Ivy League in these rankings is that there were hardly any mentions in the 'worst' categories. None except: Duke at #5


<p>Duke is not an Ivy League university.</p>

<p>inuendo - you're right. Don't know what I was thinking. Thanks</p>

<p>Gentle, it not based on system or volumes, it says student's evaluation of facilities, Oberlin's library is gorgeous, not your ordinary library.</p>

<p>Okay, I don't see how Rhodes is supposed to be so pretty. I visited there this summer. Yeah I guess the buildings are nice, but the setting is not. Sewanee was a ton prettier, and I imagine Princeton would be better than both.</p>

<p>Princeton has the nicest campus out of all of those. Stanford might be on the same level, but it is so bland. Ewww.</p>

<p>Pepperdine... so pretty</p>