<p>Can anyone give us a feel for about how much printer paper an average engineering freshman will want if he has his own printer? I know he can buy it there, but it's been on loss-leader the past 3 weeks at Staples, so I might as well send him with enough rather than have him pay full-price while I have 50-cent reams sitting at home :)</p>
<p>It really just depends on your classes. My printer is just a convenience because I always get Net-Print money whether it’s from TAing or taking a course that gives you printing. I’ll either steal paper from the printers or just buy a single pack.</p>
<p>He has CS 2110, Math 1910, Intro to Mech for his ENGRI, plus of course a FWS, PE and ENGRG 1050</p>
<p>I don’t think he would use a lot for those classes.</p>