<p>Would any of you use an advisor for finding the college only? Sort of like a Matchmaker. I find that people in my area don’t or can’t do the research. I’m seriously thinking about becoming this kind of advisor. No essays. Hourly only.
I am finding myself providing this service to lots of people for free, because I think it’s fun. But I think it’s time to get paid for my knowledge. What do you think?</p>
<p>When people are getting free advice, they don’t care as much if result is not optimal. People are less willing to pay if you don’t have a track record. Not sure how you could be an advisor without helping with applications, and essays are 75% of application. D2’s advisor had a schedule for her when she needed to take exams, essays (idea, draft, completion).</p>
<p>I think the college search tools and Naviance will help tremendously.</p>
<p>But it seems that a college advisor would be good if:
- The parents have not been to college and are unfamiliar with the process
- The child is seeking an Ivy League school
- The child is resistant to parent advise</p>
<p>Honestly, whether you make a living in this business (like most other professional services) is mostly determined by your ability in marketing and sales, not your ability in counseling and matchmaking. If you can find people who will pay you for this service alone, then you have a business. If you can’t, then you don’t, no matter how brilliant you may be.</p>