Private scholarships deducted from VT awards?

<p>I'm trying to find out if VT deducts the value of any private scholarships that a student receives from any awards that VT offers to students. I know that some schools do that, unfortunately. Thanks!</p>

<p>In my experience, loans are reduced to make sure you do not exceed the COA. However, if you have an outside scholarship and institutional aid (which isn’t much, unless it’s a scholarship) and the COA is exceeded, then the VT award may be reduced. </p>

<p>I’m not completely sure - this is just coming from my personal experience. I have only had my loans reduced for one academic year when I had an outside scholarship and a VT scholarship, plus other federal grants. My sibling also had loans reduced for two years with an the same types of scholarships and grants.</p>

<p>Basically that. You can’t get aid beyond the COA. That COA is higher than room and board and tuition and fees, so if you actually get to where that’s a problem you’re doing pretty good. Otherwise as long as you’re below the COA no, I have never heard of them reducing aid like that.</p>

<p>financiallylost and chuy, thanks - perhaps I misunderstood. Not going beyond the COA makes perfect sense. Appreciate it!</p>