<p>I never said the rich were more intelligent. However, I think it is obvious to anybody that SAT scores, for example, are heavily correlated with socioeconomic status. So are high school grades. The simple fact is, the richer you are, the better a school district you will tend to be in, the more educated your parents will tend to be, the more your parents will tend to emphasize education, and the greater opportunities you will have to get a better education. Is that surprising to anybody?</p>
<p>Does that mean the rich are more 'intelligent'? I didn't say that. But it is clearly true that the rich tend to be far more academically prepared. Is that a surprise to anybody? </p>
<p>Furthermore, are you seriously trying to say that there are no poor people who are not poor precisely because they are lazy and unmotivated? Are you serious? I recognize that it's a harsh statement, but it's true. The fact is, the less that your parents work, the less money you will tend to have. </p>
<p>Let's get out of the utopic paradise that some of you apparently view the poor to be in, and why not take a drive to the ghetto sometime on a regular workday. You will see plenty of able-bodied men loitering around doing nothing. You know what I'm talking about, even if you don't want to admit it. Some people just don't want to work, and that's why they're poor.</p>
<p>Now of course does that mean that ALL poor people are poor because they're lazy and unmotivated? Of course not. I never said that. But what I am saying is that a lot of poverty can indeed be explained by a lack of work ethic and responsibility. Not all of it, but a lot of it. After all, again, think of those ghetto guys sitting around doing nothing every day. You can't tell me that laziness and irresponsibility doesn't have something to do with poverty. </p>
<p>Some of you might say that these guys are sitting around because there are no jobs. Oh really? Think of it this way. Thousands of illegal Mexican immigrants cross the border into the country every day. Why? To find jobs. So think about what that means. These illegal immigrants come here, most of whom can't speak English, don't understand American culture, are traveling hundreds, sometimes thousands of miles away from home, and yet they are somehow able to find jobs in the US. And these guys in the ghetto can't find anything? Or is it that they don't want to find anything? You tell me. </p>
<p>Finally, you talk about minimum-wage jobs. So, in the ghetto near where I live, I've noticed that the local McDonalds has had a help-wanted sign up for the past few months. Yet, I still see the same ghetto guys sitting around every day doing nothing. If those guys were really looking for a job, why didn't they just sign up at McDonalds? Do you even think they tried? In fact, I was in that McDonalds and asked the manager whether they were able to fill the job and she said that nobody has even bothered to apply yet. So you tell me what's happening.</p>