Professor Mo first question

<p>Why did Professor Mo tell the other teacher to "give the students more homework"
was it to undermine his teaching ability (how was he undermining the teacher ability by making a mere suggestion?) or was it because the students were misbehaving (by not showing up to the extra session of Profesor Mo and never using the tape recorder in the teachers class). I thought Professor Mo wasn't trying to undermine the other teacher but was rather giving the other teacher a suggestion to fix the problem...</p>

<p>mo was trying to fool duncan in the beginning to try to make some of duncans students come to mos class since mo was jealous at duncan getting al the students.</p>

<p>limit teaching ability</p>

<p>that is what doesn’t make any sense. He could sing songs, or do any of the other things that the other teacher was doing. Being jealous that the students liked the other teacher didn’t make much sense. And how was it limiting his teaching ability?</p>

<p>it was undermine becasue he was jealous.</p>

<p>this has been solved already… next question</p>