
<p>how do you figure out the names of professors that teach a course?
i want to incorporate this to make my essay as specific as possible and to avoid going generic.</p>

<p>Look on the college website/course catalogs.</p>

<p>You can also look at individual department websites.</p>

<p>I don't think it is a good idea to incorporate prof names into your main essay. One of those supplemental [why subject] essay maybe.</p>

<p>Check online course catalog, departmental website, and ask on that CC board.</p>

<p>I'd say it's fine to incorporate professor names into the main essay, as long as it fits well in with the essay and doesn't seem like you're name-dropping. So, for example, if your essay is on some independent research you did, making passing mention of a professor with similar research interests is just fine.</p>

<p>^I know for the UPenn supplement, one of the essays specifically asks you to talk about a professor that you'd like to study with. </p>

<p>I was actually a bit put off guard by this question since I don't know anything about any of their professors.</p>