Pros and cons of BSC or BA and grad school (Split from another topic)

I understand that the psychology BA is just as valuable as the Bachelor of Science and some of the best colleges (like University of Chicago) only offer the BA path. But my son wants to focus on those that offer the BS and there are plenty of good ones. His list does have many “safeties” but those safeties have excellent honors programs to give him the rigor he desires and he has a good shot at decent merit at those schools. You’re not the first to tell me I’m selling him short by not pushing Harvard or other Ivies. I realize he is well qualified and I’m not discounting his strengths. He hasn’t ruled out applying to an Ivy but he also knows our financial reality and we should get some financial aid but not sure a “meets need” college will offer enough. But I wouldn’t say no to applying as long as he is realistic about our financial limits. But I’m confident he will find a great college home that will help him reach his goal of PhD in clinical psychology and other long-term goals without breaking the bank. Just to give you an idea of what I’m up against, below is what he showed me from the Emory University psychology page (we are visiting next week) so there are definitely mixed messages out there and he does have some evidence supporting his views and information to justify his desire for the BS path. But thank you for your perspective and opinion.

From Emory:

Are you drawn to the cutting-edge questions being asked in scientific literature about behavior, the methodological techniques for gathering that information, and the more complex statistical analyses for evaluating evidence?

The BS in Psychology will provide students with the same strong scientific training afforded by the current BA, with the added benefit of enhanced quantitative skills and immersion into the recognition of psychology as a point of connection among many science fields.

The BS may be especially appealing to students interested in continuing their studies at graduate level in laboratories, health fields such as Clinical Psychology PhD, Physician Assistant, Physical Therapy, medical school, etc., and those who prefer the quantitative and natural science perspective of the BS option.

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Quick aside from the larger topic. BA/BS and graduate school admissions.

Graduate school admissions are very different from undergraduate admissions or admission to med or law school. The pool of applicants is much smaller and the process is by nature holistic. Students will apply with a mix of academic and work experience including in some cases adjacent degree programs. Whether he has a BA, BS, or even a degree in a different major with overlapping coursework will not be key in gaining admission to graduate school. When looking at PhD programs, you are looking for research interest matches with professors in addition to the scope of the department.

As far as your concern about finances at the more prestigious schools, run the net price calculators. Elite school need based aid may outpace merit aid packages at other colleges.


Whether a college grants a BA or BS degree in a major doesn’t generally matter for grad schools or employment, unless it offers both in the same major, in which case BS may indicate a more quantitative path toward the degree. In particular, unlike undergraduate admissions, admission to PhD programs worth pursuing is generally decided by professors in the same field as the applicant. They’re well aware of the applicant’s undergraduate program. They pay much more attention to the applicant’s academic preparation (including the courses taken), research experiences, and the recommendations from professors in the same field who they trust.


This is why Emory’s descriptions of its programs do not apply to those at colleges that award B.A. degrees only.

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Regarding the undergraduate study of psychology itself, look for a college that offers courses or course elements in the major branches of modern psychology, notably biological, clinical, cognitive, educational, developmental, personality, sensory and social. Preparation in research methods and statistics should be emphasized as part of the standard curriculum. Look as well for fieldwork opportunities.


Excellent advice! If you (or anyone) has suggestions that meet this criteria, please share. PM me if you need more specifics about my S23 and what he is looking for, but general responses are fine here. Maybe some are already on our list. Thank you!